Conference Extras open thread: Tuesday 22 September: It’ll all end in Glee

We hope you’ve spotted the open thread on the action taking place in the main auditorium today. In comparison, this thread is for you to talk about fringe meetings, the exhibition and all the other things going on around the main business.

Today’s highlights

At 7:45 tonight, Norman Lamb is interviewed by Helen Duffett, the editor of the party’s all member Ad Lib magazine. She’ll be asking him about his plans for the future.

Norman will also be on a panel at lunchtime with our Stephen Tall at a Resolution Foundation fringe meeting discussing the need to rethink the Liberal Democrat approach to social justice.

At the same time Jo Swinson joins polling experts on a panel looking into why the polls got it so very wrong in the election.

Liberal Youth discuss what liberalism means to young people.

Lib Dem lawyers look at employment rights.

The Social Liberal Forum gets together with compass to look at potential for a progressive left alliance in an event with Caroline Lucas MP.

This evening, CentreForum looks at how modern political parties should engage with their members.

Liberal International look at dealing with a resurgent Russia.

The evening ends with the traditional end of Conference Glee Club. Its MC Gareth Epps, who this year is sporting the most hipster beard we have ever seen, wrote about what to expect here. Will Tim Farron come along? Will he have been styled out of his normal Blackburn shirt attire? Will Paddy tell his joke?

How to find out what is happening

You can view or download the directory, which lists all the fringe meetings, exhibitors and training sessions. Alternatively, there will be a host of people handing out leaflets to advertise their fringe meeting. Make sure you recycle them when you’ve finished with them.

You can instal the Conference app from the App store or from Google Play or view it on Blackberry or Windows phones.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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