Conservatives think Cameron will lose

From The Telegraph:

Grassroots Tories fear election defeat

For the first time since Mr Cameron took over as Tory leader, a majority of Conservative activists believe that he will not be the next Prime Minister, according to the survey.

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  • Peter McGrath 3rd Aug '07 - 9:03pm

    This is all good fun. Paul’s (gentle) baiting of Tory misfortunes brightens my day, especially since only 6-8 months ago they were acting as though they had the next election wrapped up. We have a lot to gain for Tory misfortune, but need to think very hard about the consequences of it. The Tories have not yet had their Long Dark Night Of The Soul – losing the next election may start it for them. And it may mean a generation without a credible Conservative Party-led centre right voice in politics. It may also signal a generation of Labour hegemony, which would be a Bad Thing. They’re not liberal. What may move into the space vacated by an ineffectual, feuding, febrile. diminished, shallow Tory right? Those ‘Others’? If Cameron loses,and the Conservatives do descend into farce these could become important questions and liberal democrats need to be thinking about them. We had our bad time in the 80s and 90s and are pretty resilient now. I doubt the current Tories have steel for when the shit hits.

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