Ed Davey’s Christmas Message

Ed Davey has released a Christmas message which contains a clip of him performing “Twas the night before Christmas” with his “Love is Enough” partners, the Bath Philarmonia at a concert in Bath last month.

His message celebrates young carers.



Ed said:

On behalf of everyone at the Liberal Democrats, can I wish you and your family a very merry Christmas.

I hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of year with your loved ones. The lights, the gifts, the songs.

This year, I’ve had the chance to spend time with some amazing young carers. Incredible young people who will spend this Christmas doing what they do all year round; looking after loved ones who are ill or disabled.

Carers embody the Christmas spirit of love, selflessness and generosity. So I hope we can all take some time to think of them, and keep them in our hearts. And wish them – and everyone – a Christmas full of peace, joy and love.

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