If you haven’t been able to get to a Leadership Hustings so far, there is an additional one to consider tomorrow in London.
Ethnic Minority Liberal Democrats will be holding one on Tuesday 30th June from 7pm at Elephant and Castle.
The theme will be Tackling Race Inequality. Places are free, but limited, so you do need to reserve a place. Full details given on the website.
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All these hustings meetings and all these questionnaire replies buy the real choice is —
“Who is best equipped to save the party from extinction?”
The thin offering of more of the same from the former junior minister, Mr Lamb, will do nothing to rebuild the party.
Tim Farron has demonstrated during his four years as Party President not only the ability to stomp around the country rallying the troops but also a genuine enthusiasm for the party and a burning desire for it to be more and to do more than provide an occasional handful of second division players in someone else’s government team.
As Dan Falchikov says in one of his recent blogs —
“…The Lib Dems are now a minor Westminster party – scrabbling around with the DUP and Plaid Cymru for time and traction. Its profile as a national political force has gone and the credibility it had in appearing to challenge to win parliamentary seats has been lost. A Westminster insider strategy won’t magic that back and merely not being in government any more won’t win back the lost voters….”