Brighton & Hove Liberal Democrats have researched and produced a detailed guide to how their city benefits from being in Europe. Please click on the image opposite to access it.
As local party Chair, Michael Wilbur writes in the introduction:
When talking to residents about the EU referendum, people often say that there are too many competing statistics, claims and counterclaims being thrown around and that this makes it hard to know who or what to believe. To address this gap, the Liberal Democrats have conducted research into the impact the EU has on Brighton and Hove. Our hope is that by making these issues more concrete and local, we can help residents make sense of the national arguments.
This 16 page document is well worth a read and many of the findings will be applicable to other towns and cities.
* Antony Hook was #2 on the South East European list in 2014, is the English Party's representative on the Federal Executive and produces this sites EU Referendum Roundup.
Something wrong with the link here.
Noticed the link issue too but you can download the guide if you click on the image 🙂
If this is correct the information should be widely distributed and soon.
Click on the picture to get to it.
I don’t know why the link in text isn’t working. I’m not in a position to edit it at the moment.