Theresa May’s party activist pleasing aim to create more grammar schools generated a lot of debate last week.
I thought I would share the absurdity of the Kent Test, which I sat to go to grammar school in 1991. It is fair to say that Conservative-run Kent administered selection in a very odd way at that time.
In those days:
Your test could be given someone else’s mark
a) You took, at the start of Year 6, three tests. But the marks you were given was usually not your own. This was not an administration error but was intentional policy.
Primary Schools had to rank pupils in order of ability before the test. This ranking was kept secret. It was pre-FoI, pre-DPA and pupils and parents were never allowed to know where they were ranked or why. You then took the test. The best mark scored by anyone in the school was assigned to the person the school had ranked top. The second best mark to the next person and so on, even if the student had actually scored a different mark in the test.