Category Archives: Europe Referendum

Brexit Resolution: statement from Catherine Bearder MEP

Yesterday the European Parliament voted in favour of a Resolution to allow Brexit talks to progress to the next stage.

Both the Commission and Parliament have now recommended to the European Council that progress has been made in the three key areas: on citizens’ rights, Northern Ireland and the financial settlement.

This Resolution is the last piece in the puzzle to allowing the Brexit talks to progress to the next stage.

It effectively moves the UK one step further away from a disastrous “no deal” situation which would risk thousands

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Reflexions on the “how to exit Brexit” debate at the Autumn Conference

As always, I quite enjoyed attending the LibDem Autumn Conference and its fringe meetings. The only suggestion about fringe meetings I would like to make (as a member of D66, 27.000 members; we’ve always had one member one vote at our halfyearly conferences) is: if it is about the three issues Social Liberals care most about: Europe, Education and the Environment, having some fringe meetings in the plenary sessions hall (or a secondary big hall, like at the back of Bournemouths BIC, where the Prospect interview with Clegg was moved to) so that every interested member gets a change of …

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Creative campaigning as the mood on Brexit evolves

This image was among those rejected by the Government committee that oversaw the “stronger in” campaign. Saatchi and Saatchi complained that all their best work was vetoed by someone or other.

Well that is history, and we can learn from it. I count myself lucky to be a member of a small group of pro-European campaigners who are free to develop their own creative ideas, untrammelled by the need to answer to any committee.

Last week we were out on the streets in Stratford-upon-Avon, talking to people about Brexit. Any changes in …

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Join @timfarron for Euro campaign photos at conference

I’m really proud to be the Liberal Democrats’ Brexit Spokesman for the South East.  Working with Nick Clegg, our national Brexit spokesman, to hold the government to account and fight for the true national interest could not be more important.

One of the most successfully ways to communicate a message is visually. Pictures speak loudly.

I would like to mention two opportunities, if you are coming to party conference this weekend, to join photos that you can use at a local level.

First, we know that hard Brexit is putting our future under the axe. No-one voted for the Brexit axe to fall on family …

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Tom Brake MP: After Brexit negotiations, give people another chance to have their say

Tom BRake speaking on pavement Two Chairmen pub London 2nd July 2016 #marchforeuropeAfter yesterday’s March for Europe in London, some Liberal Democrats repaired to the Two Chairmen pub in Westminster. As I approached, I became aware of a speech taking place. It was Tom Brake MP (right), on the pavement outside the pub, giving an impromptu view of the EU situation, and answering questions. It was, in many ways, a return to old-fashioned democracy. Certainly Tom gave a fascinating commentary on what might happen next.

Thanks to my colleague Joe Otten, who videoed most of the speech, I have been able to transcribe here much of what Tom said. He started by saying how much he was worried about eastern European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Poland, and how they might react to Brexit. He said that Poland’s people are in favour of the EU, broadly, but that their government might use Brexit as a trigger against the EU.

He went on:

We’ve got to fight.

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The people have spoken – trust the people

Yesterday afternoon, I was somewhat nervous to receive notification that Tim Farron was going to make a “major speech”. Straight after an election, when you are still suffering from advanced post-election bone tiredness, is no time to be suddenly deciding to make a “major speech”.

But it was a good speech and I applaud Tim’s display of righteous anger on behalf of the young and those who are boiling with rage – those who are now shouting: “we are better than this”.

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There is scope for soft-peddling on the all-consuming anger

There is much anger – dejection even around today. I found myself in the unusual position of putting a consoling arm round a hard-bitten colleague’s shoulders – he was really quite upset by the referendum result.

I am angry for the young people who voted in droves for remain.

That said, we can’t change this result. It’s a democratic outcome. I respect it and move on. I pledge to roll up my sleeves to work as part of the nation to make us as successful as possible in the new situation.

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How Lib Dem Voice team members are voting in the EU Referendum and why

You might think you know how the Lib Dem Voice is voting in today’s EU Referendum. Read on to see if you are right and check out our reasons for our votes.

Caron Lindsay

I voted remain primarily because I believe in people working together across any sort of boundary to make things better, because when you are trying to solve common problems you aren’t fighting each other.

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Fun Referendum day quiz!

Here’s a fun referendum day quiz. Use the comments field below to submit your responses. The first person with the correct answer will win a prize!

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Could there be three ironic (?) tragedies that follow a leave vote?

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Jo Cox: Brexit is no answer to real concerns on immigration

As part of our tributes to Jo Cox, we’re linking to this article in the Yorkshire Post, published last Friday. In it, Jo Cox very persuasively argues that Brexit will not solve concerns over immigration. She accepts that those concerns are genuine – sincere worries about pressures on GP surgeries or schools.

But she explains that Brexit will not answer the concerns and calls for practical steps to improve the situation.

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Confused by competing claims over the EU? – try these impartial fact-checking websites

I’ve heard quite a few people saying words along these lines:

I’ve heard claims and counter-claims about the EU and I just don’t know who to believe.

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EURef latest round-up: Putin, investment risks and some bar charts…

Recent days provided plenty of new developements about the EU Referendum.

Putin gains from exit

The person with most to gain from Brexit is Putin, writes Liberal European Leader Guy Verhofstadt MEP in the Guardian.

More expert concern that Brexit is bad for investment

If you prefer video to written news, see this discussion between senior investors Anne Richards and Simon Smiles on the pound risk of Brexit, from Bloomberg News.

Another investment CEO, Richard Buxton, has warned of the danger of Breixt is deterring investment.

Stronger IN video exposes Exit’s double-speak

The Stronger IN campaign have published a video mocking the contradictory statements of Exit campaigners.

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EURef Round-Up 2: Shirley Williams enters the debate…

Lib Dem Peer Shirley Williams has written in the Belfast Telegraph of the problem of widespread misunderstanding about how the EU works and what it actually does. She calls for a more direct role for national parliaments in how the EU works and for EU Commissioners to appear before national parliaments to answer questions as Ministers do. She also calls for a European news channel:

Europe badly needs continent-wide communication. The main public broadcasters in the EU should be able to construct between them a European channel reporting not only on the European Parliament, but also on significant developments in other national parliaments.

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Europe Referendum: News Round-Up 1

In a new series for Lib Dem Voice readers, I will be reporting a summary of the latest news from media in the UK and abroad about Britain’s referendum on its future in Europe.

Brexit Risks Damaging Sterling, Investment and Trade

Highlighting the economic damage that holding the referendum will to do, quite apart from the damage of Exit itself, The Wall Street Journal notes that  the pound has fallen to an 8-month low against the dollar and reports that:

“Investors also remain wary… as a possible withdrawal could discourage investment flows that have supported the pound.”

Sir Victor Blank, former Chairman of Lloyds Bank and Trinity Mirror, writes in the Telegraph about the danger to British business of Brexit and benefits for jobs, investment and trade that come from being in Europe.

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