Tag Archives: campaign creativity

Creative campaigning as the mood on Brexit evolves

This image was among those rejected by the Government committee that oversaw the “stronger in” campaign. Saatchi and Saatchi complained that all their best work was vetoed by someone or other.

Well that is history, and we can learn from it. I count myself lucky to be a member of a small group of pro-European campaigners who are free to develop their own creative ideas, untrammelled by the need to answer to any committee.

Last week we were out on the streets in Stratford-upon-Avon, talking to people about Brexit. Any changes in …

Posted in Europe Referendum and Op-eds | Also tagged | 7 Comments

10 reasons why Mary from Sherlock should stick with the Liberal Democrats

As this post appears, we’ll be getting ready for the season finale of Sherlock. If my Twitter feed is anything to go by, we includes many of this site’s regular readers.

We’ve waited two years for the third season and it’s all over in a week and a half. I loved the nods to the fandom, the tube line geekery and the usual ingenuity of the first episode. I also liked the fact that the eccentric guy with the beard was right.

The second episode dragged in places but had the best Best Man’s Speech since Four Weddings and a Funeral 20 …

Posted in News | Also tagged , and | 4 Comments

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  • Joseph Bourke
    In 1963, Harold Wilson, at the Scarborough Labour conference made his ‘white heat of the technological revolution’ speech. Wilson said bluntly: nostalgia...
  • Colin Brown
    Well said! I am pleased to have heard members of the Labour government speak up for music, standing up to the nonsensical charge of "elitism"....
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    After going on and on about the £22 billion "black hole"in the new government's financial inheritance ( I do wonder if these people have any concept of what a ...
  • David Warren
    What @MickTaylor said!...