European Selection: South East Selection Committee convened

The South East’s Selection Committee held its first meeting on Saturday afternoon, with Ken Cosslett (Regional Candidates Chair, South Central) elected as Chair and Mike Wheatley as Vice Chair.

The other members of the Selection Committee are Prue Bray, Vera Head, Chris Jennings, Season Prater, Jamie Sharpley and Margaret Ticehurst.

Mark Valladares, appointed as Returning Officer by English Candidates Committee, supported the Committee in discussions over the Selection Criteria to be used, the timetable and the content of the application pack.

It is intended that, as far as is possible, the Selection Committee will provide reports on progress as part of its commitment towards a open and inclusive selection process, and that the contents of the application pack will be available in the members-only areas of the Regional websites.

Anyone interested in applying for a place on the European list for South East is reminded that the advertisement will appear in Liberal Democrat News on Friday, June 8th.

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