The Federal Conference Committee met on Saturday to run through a number of items leading up to Autumn Conference in Brighton, which is being held from 14 to 17 September 2024.
We are looking at a very different conference to recent years, having had the most successful election of our party in over a century; and I am certain there will be lots of celebrate in Brighton.
The general election has really constrained all of our deadlines, so the agenda selection meeting was almost a month later than usual. Furthermore, the election has impacted all of our planning. The amazing Conference Team are delivering a conference, which usually takes 5 months of intense work in less than two months.
Because all deadlines have been pushed back, we will not be producing a paper agenda; instead it will be available online and we will inform members when it has been uploaded. We will still produce printed version of Conference Extra and Daily in the Conference Centre.
Furthermore, we have set a later deadline for submission of amendments, which will be Monday, 9 September at 13:00.
We are hoping to publish the full text of the motions shortly, so that you can start planning amendments, questions to reports and emergency motions.
Conference is an excellent opportunity to engage with members from all across the country, to influence the party policy and strategy, and to a huge array of fringe and training events, which I recommend those attending to take full advantage of.
Our amazing election result has meant that we’ve had an increase in interest in events at Conference; we’ve seen a great upsurge in fringe bookings and exhibitions – and both of these were sold out pretty much the day after the General Election. Please do visit as many exhibitors and fringes as you can.
Understandably, many members, AOs and other party groups have been busy on the General Election, so we have seen a reduction in motions submitted from across the party – therefore, the FCC has also made time in the auditorium for some different types of sessions; including a panel discussion on Defence and Veterans, the General Election Review, and a consultation on our New Policy Agenda.
We received a large number of motions from across the party, and are extremely grateful for the time and effort that members make in formulating policy motions and ideas for debate at Conference. We really wish that we could select so many more that ended up on the final list, but as always time at conference is at a premium and a large number of motions, although selected in the first round, did not make it through the second round when we then started to look at reducing timings.
As regularly mentioned, time is tight at conference, and we are unable to take all motions submitted to Conference. Regarding the motions which were not selected, we have provided a summary of reasons why motions have not been submitted, and have provided further information to those people whose motions were not selected. I have tried to keep this succinct for the purposes of the list of motions.
Furthermore, I would also like to mention the drafting advice service that the Federal Conference Committee offers. This service is provided by the Committee to offer drafting and language advice on motions submitted to conference and cannot always cover advice on policy matters; I would, in these instances, recommend reaching out to members of the Federal Policy Committee, spokespeople, and party AOs, who may have people within the their groups with specific policy expertise and would be able to assist with formulating policy. If you also want to find out more about how to write policy, the FCC will be undertaking a training session at Conference on how to write a good conference, and this information will be published in the Conference Directory.
From the submitted motions we selected 15 policy motions, 1 business motion and one standing order amendment. The committee went through various rounds of selection, and it is always a very challenging decision to select which motions should or should not be added to the agenda. I would like to thank the staff who attended the full-day meeting and also the members of the committee for their contributions and hard work.
I have included FCC motions selection Autumn 2024 (PDF – amended version), including the names of the motions and if selected/not selected and the brief reasons for non-selection. Please note that some of the names of motions may vary between now and the publishing of the agenda.
We are looking forward seeing you at Conference, and if you have not yet had a chance to register, please do so here.
* Nick Da Costa is Chair of the Federal Conference Committee
One Comment
Nick, it seems a little contradictory that you note fewer motions were submitted by members, and therefore have fitted in ‘some different types of sessions’, yet go on to say that you really wish that you could ‘fit in so many more but as always time at Conference is at a premium’. Apparently it wasn’t quite so restricted this year. Members who had hastened to submit motions but had not had time to get drafting advice could perhaps have had their motions reconsidered? You cite ‘ Need for revision’ as a reason for rejecting several of those submitted, and I wonder if it would not have been possible to let those members have a day or so to revise and have their motions then re-evaluated. We do appreciate the hard work of FCC members in considering motions, but it seems always a little sad that there is actually no chance of appealing against rejection on rational grounds.