Each day this week I’m giving a tip related to computers and campaigning. The exact details of how you follow each tip will vary depending on your own situation, so if you’re not quite sure what to do by all means pop up a question in the comments.
Today’s tip: make sure your local website is listed in the main places.
Does www.libdems.org.uk list your MP/PPC’s website and your local website? (If not, contact [email protected])
Are they also listed in DMOZ? (If not, click the ‘suggest URL link’ and read the instructions)
Are any local Lib Dem blogs listed in Wikio? (If not, submit the blog here)
Are they also listed in the Total Politics directory? (If not, use the submit box on the right side of the page)
Answering yes to all four questions won’t result in millions descending on the Liberal Democrat sites in your areas, but it will give them a boost in various ways, such as via increased search engine traffic.
UPDATE: As pointed out in the comments, I forgot to include one of the most important pieces of advice if the site is a blog: get is listed on LibDemBlogs.co.uk.
I went to the main website which has a facility to enter a postcode to find the local branch. I put in both my home and office postcodes and got error messages. I then put in the postcode of the local branch office – WR3 7HD – and the system couldn’t even come up with a match then!!!
For months recently my previous local branch site was shown as being under construction or not available – can’t remember which – and I had to contact the central office to find details of the branch. Generally a very sloppy approach to the online World. Cameron is pathetic with his “Web Cameron” and Gordon, try as he might, doesn’t use the web very well. The LibDems should be able to stand head and shoulders above them both, but fail miserably. Surely in areas where spending power isn’t as important as clear thinking the LibDems should shine.
Don’t forget the Lib Dem Blogs aggregator!
Quite right Dave. I usually include it in this sort of advice but my mistake in leaving it out this time. (Sorry Ryan!)