Events and the political calendar are likely to keep UKIP as one of the most prominent ‘other’ political parties in the UK over the next few years, making this newly revised and expanded autobiography of its most high-profile and flamboyant personality, Nigel Farage, timely not only for the party’s own fans but for anyone else interested in British politics.
It is a well written, lively book, full of the sort of pugnacious language that has helped give Farage his high popularity. It is also rather kinder to some of his opponents that you might expect if you had only come across Farage through his headline grabbing strings of insults aimed at others, though when it comes to the EU and its main functionaries he doesn’t hold back. He even has some kinds words to say for the man who threatened to kill him – and rightly so given the person’s mental health had fallen apart.
Nigel Farage writes much about his own personal failings – the drunkenness, failed marriage and more – in a way that mixes skilfully killing future criticism by being frank with a strong view that if you believe in freedom the important thing is that people take responsibility for their own actions rather than that you try to ban people from making mistakes.
Despite being such a good read, at the end of it I was not that much clearer about what really motivates Nigel Farage than at the start. A libertarian streak certainly does come out. That explains some of his politics, much of which however seems to be heavily motivated a love of being the gadfly, the person with the different views poking fun at the establishment and having fun in being different. At one point when describing what made him into a UKIP activist, his first adjective is “bloody-mindedness” rather than a directly political motivation.
In his time and place that all meant being a Eurosceptic, but in another time and place would he have simply picked a different target or would he still have had the same prime political beliefs?
The book necessarily recounts a good number of the many problems UKIP has had with some of its key personalities – the failed leaders, the prima donas, the people who broke rules and so on. Farage, to his credit, even includes the fiasco in the dog days of Michael Holmes’s UKIP leadership when one morning first the party secretary changed the locks on party HQ to secure its records and then Farage himself ordered the doors broken down, the locks changed again and the files moved elsewhere so that he could secure the records.
Nearly every time, Farage disarmingly wonder if he could have done or should have acted sooner, which works as a reaction in each isolated case but does not shed any light on the overall pattern. Why has UKIP had so many problems with people who got approved as candidates or even voted in as leader? The loss rate amongst its elected MEPs is very high. Given that Farage loves knocking in the book other parties with much tighter procedures for their controls and checks, it does leave you wondering if this is one case where rather than criticising others, Farage would be better advised to look at what can be learnt from them.
Even with those caveats, the book is well worth reading, particularly as it presents a very popular and aggressive version of the anti-European case. Those who agree with it will love the rhetoric and those who don’t can learn much from its presentation.
You can buy Flying Free by Nigel Farage from Amazon here.
* Mark Pack is Party President and is the editor of Liberal Democrat Newswire.
Blimey! Thought for a minute you’d written: “Nigel Farage takes his own life!”
The establishment are out to get us. They hadn’t planned for another political party. Actually the idea that UKIP representatives get into trouble more often than those from other parties isn’t an accurate reflection of reality anyway. We just have to be particularly careful because we are the party which is pressing through that glass ceiling out of obscurity, out of the ‘other’ section of the pie-chart and into public consciences for good reasons. I mean just look at Diane Abbott (a topical comment for today)
I cannot imagine why any Lib Dem would want to read this. His party of course poses a political challenge for the LIb Dems but I am not sure he is particularly popular in the way that Enoch Powell was many years ago.
@ Emmett Jenner, as a proportion of your senior elected representatives yours do get into trouble more than other parties, and perhaps your party needs to look at that.
@Geoffrey – I read the Orange Book? I think it’s important to know where the other side is coming from. Even if you don’t agree with all of it. Better not to be ignorant so read at least something of the other sides opinions.
@GP – I doubt you have statistics to back up that assertion. And what sort of weighting would you feel would fairly apply towards mitigating a bit of slack here and there on account that we’re inexperienced unpaid amateurs who have decided to take action after so many years of failure from the three old parties? I think ‘some’ would be fair. How much probably depends on whether you support us or not. Over the last couple of years professionalising the party has been fairly high up the agenda. I think it’s the right time for it.
GP – “I cannot imagine why any Lib Dem would want to read this.”
This kind of attitude is what led the Lib-Dem’s to such crushing defeat in the AV referendum.
Love UKIP. Any party that splits the xenophobic little Englander vote with the Tories is to be welcomed.
There speaks a little European in a global world?
English, British and European.