Liberal Democrat Voice has a fantastic archive of posts going back to our establishment in 2006. Here’s an interesting article from our Founding Editor, which was published in October 2006. You can read the post in its original form, with the title “There is no news today”, with comments, here. Rob, our Founding Editor, made a thing about not writing about polls. So, in his amusing way, he didn’t do this poll, but, er, he did do it. Anyway, it is quite eye-watering to look back and see us on 22%!
There is no news today on account of the fact that I do not do polls.
Someone do something. Please.
I mean, seriously. I’m on the brink of joining Fathers for Justice and performing a naked stunt on the Commons roof terrace, before the Parliamentary authorities fence it in.
If nothing happens at PMQs today, I’m replacing Lib Dem Voice with pictures of kittens and the highlights from Hi! Monkey.
While we’re waiting, I need to learn to cook. I only have hobs and a tiny combo Microwave & convection oven / grill. What do you recommend?
UPDATE: News! At last. Courtesy of Richmond Liberal Democrat council group. Well done you.
* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.
I think this is misleading and unhelpful and undermines our reputation for integrity. When I saw it on Twitter i assumed we’d seen a sudden upswing. When I read it hear I felt cheated of that sense of elation and felt that I’d been the victim of a cheap trick.
Shame on us.
Andrew, you must have missed the words “from our archive” which made it pretty clear it wasn’t a current poll.
So that any confusion is avoided:
11 August 2015
ICM/Guardian – CON 40, LAB 31, LDEM 7, UKIP 10, GRN 4
Wishful thinking . I doubt if the Lib Dems will get to 10%again unless a Corbyn run Labour Party implodes ?
“Wishful thinking . I doubt if the Lib Dems will get to 10%again unless a Corbyn run Labour Party implodes ?”
And even then, any such windfall would probably be shared between the LDs and UKIP (most of the Khmer Vert would probably go Corbyn), still leaving the LDs a miserable fourth.
This is the level of support we should aim to rebuild to within this Parliament and with bold campaigns issues that people care about there is no reason we should not.
God that got me excited for a moment
Who cares about polls from the past? In local council byelections up and down the country Liberal Democrat candidates have been winning in 2015.
The only polls that really count are the ones that involve Polling Stations, real votes and real people.
Since the general election Lberal Democrat councillors have been elected in the last few weeks in Richmond, Kingston, Elmbridge, Powys etc.
Forget about opinion polls from years ago and given the disastrous waste of money on apparently useless and misleading opinion polling as part of HQ’s general election strategy forget about commissioning opinion polls when that money could be better spent on getting Liberal Democrats elected in real elections.
“And beer was a penny a pint”……I agree with JT.
I’d far rather, in a few years see, “Lib Dems on 8% in ICM poll – from our archive”, and think, “Were we really ever that bad.”
Who is the psephological expert Richard Stallard? Just after the merged party was formed we couldn’t even reach 1%.
Detailed opinion surveys show around 30% of the population hold views similar to Liberal Democrats and distinct from Labour, UKIP or Tory approaches, so it would be a rash commentator who’d rule out us returning to the twenties by 2020.
SIMON BANKS 20th Aug ’15 – 8:36pm………………Detailed opinion surveys show around 30% of the population hold views similar to Liberal Democrats and distinct from Labour, UKIP or Tory approaches, so it would be a rash commentator who’d rule out us returning to the twenties by 2020…….
Where were they between 2010 and 2015?
If I was offered 15% in 2020 now I would take it…
Richard Stallard may not be a psephological expert and certainly does not appear to wish the Liberal Democrats well, but he is correct to point out that the political landscape is much more crowded now than in 2006.
However I was delighted to see a 26% swing from UKIP to Liberal Democrat in Cornwall yesterday!