Today’s Independent reports under the headline Nick Clegg orders ministers: ‘Mingle with the troops at conference’:
Nick Clegg has told his ministers to “mingle” at the Liberal Democrat conference next week, to avoid the impression that being in government has gone to their heads.
On Friday, the Deputy Prime Minister hosted a meeting of all Lib Dem members of government at Chevening, his official residence. Mr Clegg cautioned his colleagues against being seen as “too distant” since moving seamlessly into government. For some of the grass roots, working with the Tories has been a little too seamless, some complaining that the party has sold out.
So thee you have it, it’s official: if you see a Lib Dem government minister at Liverpool, don’t be afraid to approach them.
Theres no point mingling unless some of them are prepared to genuinely listen and fight for our policies as they are (rather than what some right wing elements in our party think they should be ).
From a Scottish perspective this is akin to the grand generals mingling with the unfortunate foot soldiers before they are asked to jump over the parapets to be wiped out in battle.
The coalition has aligned us with the toxic Tory brand and the electorate will wreak their revenge at the first opportunity to have their say in the Scottish Parliament elections. A reduction in the number of Scottish Lib Dem MSP’s is a given at the election.
My advice to them would to be wary of hairy men (or women!) in kilts.
My advice to them would to be wary of hairy men (or women!) in kilts.
That’s ALWAYS good advice.
Wasn’t there some talk of Conservative ministers attending the LD conference at one point? I wonder if they would have been expected to mingle?
I’ve supported this party for 25 years. Never again.
Being a left of center voter for the last 28 years I’ve voted Lib Dem in all its guises, and when the coalition with the Tories was announced I was somewhat worried and concerned by consoled myself with the knowledge that maybe we would take the toxicity out of the Tory brand.
Immigration caps on skilled workers, evermore cuts to our welfare bill, free for all schools, not what I voted Lib Dem for, it seems to me this coalition is indeed very one sided when it comes to the important issues of the day we may have a few people that are “second in command” but its pretty clear to myself and work colleagues who voted LD that its the Tories who call the shots.
After 28 years I will not be voting LD again and I know for a fact many colleagues and friends who have voted LD in the past will now switch their allegiance to the Labour party, more cynical friends have said that the “orange book” members of the party have finally arrived at their true spiritual home…something I find very difficult to argue with.