If you missed any bits of conference…how to catch up on YouTube

Lib Dem YouTube channelSssshhh! Don’t tell anyone. This is a secret and we need to keep it that way.

If you want to watch any bits of conference in “catch up mode”, head over to the party’s YouTube channel here.

As well as specific parts of conference, all the sessions are there in full. You may have to do a bit of playing with the bottom slider to see the bit you want, but it is all there. It is a fantastic resource.

* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.

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This entry was posted in Conference.


  • George Potter 22nd Sep '15 - 9:02pm

    I don’t know about the other videos but the speech by Spohie in t’Veld seems to have been uploaded in a fastforward version making it completely unintelligible. Perhaps someone could have a word with HQ?

  • Not everything so far is there yet. Hopefully whoever is doing this (very good idea it is too!) will catch up after Conference. I am hoping to link to the Trident Debate & OMOV debate in a local member newsletter.

    I wonder why it isn’t on the usual Liberal Democrat Youtube account (used up until the summer)?

    Finally I’ve edited Tim Farron’s section from the Rally into separate video, again for use in our local party newsletter. It’s on my Youtube account https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekv-SbfuUJc

  • Any chance we’ll see the previous day’s material uploaded before the end of today?

  • Giles Goodall 23rd Sep '15 - 9:39pm

    This is a fantastic resource! But it seems that the Europe debate one is also uploaded in fast forward version. Would be great to fix this. Thanks

  • David Evans 1st Oct '15 - 12:58pm

    A week on from George and Giles’ comments on the problems on the system and they are still there. Do we just want to look like a bunch of amateurs?

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