And here he is, waterskiing to show the Lib Dem wave of support.
Sone people enjoyed it too much.
OK, I really am done now. Free Willie (Rennie) (h/t @McQueenAberdeen)
— Philip Sim (@BBCPhilipSim) May 21, 2019
And there’s video too:
Willie Rennie waterskiing @willie_rennie
— Conor Riordan (@cmriordan) May 21, 2019
Former Scottish Camapigns director Adam Stachura had his own take
Second best
— Adam Stachura (@adamstachura) May 22, 2019
And this might be a good moment to remember some of his best bits:
And they met again, for lunch:
And who can forget the manifesto launch in 2016 held in a soft play centre?
I’m underwhelmed by this pointless and demeaning exercise; this is not Blue Peter, and Willie Rennie is not John Noakes.
Judging by the state of the water etc he might have needed a few ‘Rennies’ afterwards!
Feel free to ignore the stuff that underwhelms you Yeovil.
It’s not exactly easy to get the press interested in what we do, especially in Scotland where there are more parties to compete with. Journalists appreciate a bit of fun, as do a lot of voters. Some of us like it when politicians don’t take themselves too seriously and show a bit of personality.