Kelly-Marie Blundell on walking the high wire: “It was absolutely terrifying but not so bad after the first fall”

You will be relieved to know that Guildford Liberal Democrat candidate Kelly-Marie Blundell survived her tightrope walk in one piece. She was very brave indeed, getting back on after she fell off. That sort of persistence, courage and determination is definitely what you need in an MP.

The event has been covered in the media, on the BBC’s Election Live page (at 15:26 today):

Kelly-Marie on the High Wire


And on the Guildford Dragon:

Guildford’s Lib Dem candidate for Westminster showed her skills at holding the balance of power this morning (April 22) with the help of the Moscow State Circus.

33-year-old Kelly-Marie Blundell’s only previous experience has been walking the political tightrope between left and right.

She said: “I have never even done anything like this before, not even gymnastics.

“It was absolutely terrifying but not so bad after the first fall. Actually, it was easier than I thought.”

Even the Irish Independent covered Kelly-Marie’s gravity defying feat.

As for our heroine herself, after the initial wardrobe issues

came the euphoria:

And BT News have some super photos – one with a rather severe lurch to the left or Kelly-Marie. 


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  • I am speechless in admiration but I prefer it when Kelly-Marie sticks to a more traditional mode of communication with the voters.

    Still it is good to see the Moscow State Circus involved. Any chance of the Red Army coming to help in Guildford ? 🙂

  • Duck a L'Orange 22nd Apr '15 - 6:46pm

    QUACK! 🙂

  • Sara Scarlett 22nd Apr '15 - 7:18pm

    Panem et circenses.

  • David Allen 22nd Apr '15 - 8:22pm

    “Any chance of the Red Army coming to help in Guildford ? ”

    Ed Miliband has already secretly invited them in. Grant Shapps says so, so it must be true.

  • @John Tilley ” Any chance of the Red Army coming to help in Guildford ? :-)”

    I suggest you read this – – you might find that “help” from the Red Army isn’t really a joking matter.

  • Kelly-Marie Blundell 22nd Apr '15 - 8:58pm

    Charmed – it was a fantastic opportunity and I really enjoyed it!
    Certainly once you’ve fallen once, it gets easier! I think if I had all day, I’d be quite good, but sadly the doorstep beckoned!

  • I’m glad you had a great time, Kelly-Marie!

  • Caron Lindsay Caron Lindsay 22nd Apr '15 - 10:10pm

    Kelly-Marie – well done. Pity about the tutu, though. A yellow one with a black bird would have been very cool. Next time, we’ll make you one:-).

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