LDV Sunday caption competition: “At last, it’s the the Nick & Tim show” edition

There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader…

(Image by Alex Folkes/Fishnik Photography via Lib Dem Flickr photostream.)

Here’s the new Lib Dem party president Tim Farron side-by-side with Lib Dem leader and deputy prime minister Nick Clegg. What do you think they might be saying to, or thinking about, each other?

The winner of our most recent caption competition, the “Tim Farron goes out on a wing” edition – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one by Matt Downey.

Got a photo of a prominent Lib Dem you think would work well for a future caption competition? Then please email us at [email protected].

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This entry was posted in Caption Comp.


  • Nick to Tim – Sorry to have to reject your draft for the second edition of the Orange Book.

  • Chris Wilson 2nd Jan '11 - 4:31pm

    Tim ” Nick any help with this one. 5 down, 7 letters …”

  • Poppie's mum 2nd Jan '11 - 4:49pm

    Tim – ‘These latest polling figures look really bad Nick’

    Clegg – ‘Don’t bother me with that real world stuff Tim. Life’s so much better in la la land.’

  • Poppie's mum 2nd Jan '11 - 4:59pm

    Tim – Watch what you say Nick, the one on your right is an undercover reporter with a microphone hidden in her boot.

  • New study launched into link between leg-crossing and political leaning.

  • Keith Browning 2nd Jan '11 - 5:16pm

    Nick to Tim: ‘I think that is Monica Lewinski sitting next to me. Do you fancy my chances?’

  • Man between Nick and Tim’s shoulders, ‘I wonder if this neck position will maximise my space on the photo?’

  • Poppie's mum 2nd Jan '11 - 5:43pm

    Clegg thinks wistfully ‘I remember a time when lovely young ladies like these, used to look at me and smile, applaud and agree with me too.’

  • Poppie's mum 2nd Jan '11 - 5:47pm

    Tim ‘Looking at this Lib Dem Xmas panto cast list Nick, I’m not so sure.
    Isn’t it a bit unfair to always put poor Danny as the back end of the horse ?’

  • Man on the Bus 2nd Jan '11 - 6:40pm

    Woman In Leather Boots to Clegg: “Does your tie need ironing really badly, or are you just pleased to see me?”

  • David Allen 2nd Jan '11 - 7:07pm

    Woman in leather boots: “What a laugh! Me and my mate, we sit down either side of these Lib Dem hot shots, and we just, like, casually mention that we work for the Telegraph, as this photographer guy rolls up. So there’s Clegg staring furiously at an empty stage, while Farron pretends to be reading the safety instructions!”

  • “Tim puts his final touches to Nick’s speech.”

  • Neil McGovern 3rd Jan '11 - 12:13am

    So… I sign this, and I can vote against Tuition Fees, right?

  • “Sorry Nick, there is nothing saying terms and conditions apply, we should have voted against”

  • Ed The Snapper 3rd Jan '11 - 8:34am

    NIck: “Only another 5 years of this boring democracy nonsense and then I can zoom off to Brussels to a cushy number as EU commissioner”. Tim: “Leaving me stuck with a party at 8% in the polls getting the blame for all the cutbacks, you two-faced SOB!”

  • rev simon wilson 3rd Jan '11 - 9:20am

    Tim- “No Nick, I am not signing any more pledges without reading the small print”

  • Ian Sanderson (RM3) 3rd Jan '11 - 11:00am

    Nick: I’ll keep my eyes on the stars while you watch the grass roots.

  • Matt Downey 3rd Jan '11 - 12:10pm

    Thanks, I’m actually so proud now.
    Darth Nick Clegvader talking to Padawan Tim Skyfarron
    “I’m on the side of the light really,Tim. (breathing noise) I’m getting a lot of progressive policies implemented in the empire, look at the current level of social mobility regardless of tuition fees. (breathing noise)
    Tim to Nick
    “To be forgiven by the people, you must destroy Emperor Cameron. Just remember not to take of your mask, for it will reveal to the people that you are still the same you that was in the great debate battles of the clone labservative party wars where we won through. You must not do that until the absolute final moment an then the election will be ours”

  • Malcolm Todd 3rd Jan '11 - 10:01pm

    To hell with the caption… I just want to know who the woman with the leather boots is.

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