LDV Saturday caption competition: “Kramer vs Zac” edition

There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader …

(Image courtesy: FromPlay.com).

Here’s former Lib Dem MP for Richmond Park Susan Kramer with her Tory successor Zac Goldsmith. What do you think they might have been saying or thinking about each other?

The winner of our most recent caption competition, the “Jeremy Browne passes the hat” edition – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one by Andrea Gill.

Got a photo of a prominent Lib Dem you think would work well for a future caption competition? Then please email us at [email protected].

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  • Anthony Aloysius St 31st Jul '10 - 2:11pm

    Kramer: If I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee.
    Goldsmith: And if I were your husband I would drink it.

  • gramsci's eyes 31st Jul '10 - 2:45pm

    “Can you not stop fiddling all of the time, please put that away”

    Zac – I am green , my man drives that tree everywhere I go”

    “I thought we had heard the last of you at putney Mr Mellor”

    “So there it is , Lord lucan was in the attic all along”

  • Patrick Smith 31st Jul '10 - 3:36pm

    Susan To Zac: `Everyone knows in Richmond that I have the best Liberal brain between us and have worked my butt off for my constituents over years’

    Zac to Susan : `Yes, and everyone knows that I have virtually done nothing to win this Seat save for being planted here as a green money tree in Richmond Park’.

  • Cheltenham Robin 31st Jul '10 - 3:57pm

    Susan says – “Why aren’t you drinking your coffee”

    Zac says – “I bought it to drink in the future so I don’t have to declare it now”

  • Keith Browning 31st Jul '10 - 4:32pm

    Now Zac have you got clean underwear on today and cleaned your teeth – and why haven’t you brushed your hair this morning – and where is that nice new jacket I bought you for your birthday. If you want to be a proper MP then you need to grow up and start behaving like one of those nice Conservatives that your father used to admire so much .

  • Susan Kramer to Baby Jams Goldsmith: “Unlike you, my breath doesn’t stink of fags.”

  • I can’t resist this one –

    Susan Kramer to Baby Jams: “Come on, do tell me. Where is Lord Lucan?”

  • Or this one –

    Susan Kramer: “Will you be inviting Richard Ingrams to your victory party?”

  • gramsci's eyes 1st Aug '10 - 8:14am

    Susan “12% in the polls today, you can”t just buy that sort of popularity”

    Zac – “Yeh – no wonder your jaw has dropped, I was the same , Yep, James Hewitt”

  • Jane Elwood 1st Aug '10 - 9:04am

    “Zac, I assure you we hate the poor as much as you lot. ”

    “don’t believe you”

    “We’ll help scrap the Agricultural Wages Board if you like ?”

    “Lattes and biscotti all round ! “

  • Poppie's mum 1st Aug '10 - 3:25pm

    Susan to Zac:

    Come on Zac, just pretend for the sake of the cameras.
    We both know won’t matter who the voters elect because Clegg is a closet Tory anyway.
    After May 6th us Lib Dems can drop all this sensible cuts rubbish and openly back Osborne’s wrecking ball.

  • Nick Russell 1st Aug '10 - 9:34pm

    Zac, I promise you if you agree to this picture and we put it on the LibDem Voice site, we can prove conclusively that Labour supporters are bitter and twisted and rude, and have no sense of humour whatsoever – except when they elect their leaders.

  • Kiss me Zac!

    No. Your breath smells of David Cameron’s arse. I’d know that smell anywhere

  • I know that it’s not a picture involving Lib Dems, but I thought that this was a much better picture of Zac Goldsmith.

  • “Any chance of being appointed your researcher when the election’s over Zac?”

  • Andrea Gill 7th Aug '10 - 4:27pm

    LOL @ Nick Russell

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