Lib Dem Voice has polled our members-only forum to discover what Lib Dem members think of the early race for the party presidency, the London mayoral selection, Trident, and the Labour leadership. Over 400 party members have responded, and we’re currently publishing the full results.
With the election for party president in the offing, Lib Dem Voice asked our sample of party members: What do you think the main role of the President should be?
Here’s what you told us:
- 16% – To become a known face in the media representing the Lib Dem position on the TV and radio.
- 48% – To tour the country visiting constituency parties, listening to members and activists, and representing their views to the Parliamentary party.
- 28% – To become a senior behind-the-scenes figure, chairing key policy and organisation committees, balancing the wishes of the membership and the leadership.
- 4% – To lead the party’s fundraising among the membership and wealthy supporters, ensuring the party is on the best possible financial footing.
- 3% – Other (please state)
Though not quite a 50%+ majority view, there’s a clear view of the most important role for the party president: touring the country, bolstering local parties and the membership, and representing their views to the party leadership in Westminster. We last asked this question two years ago, and there has been little shift in opinions since then.
We then asked: What do you think has been Ros’s greatest achievement or failure during her time as party president?
We’ve uploaded the full responses to this question in the members’ forum here. But this Wordle offers you a hint…