Videos of Tim Farron’s rally speech and Nick Clegg’s closing speech to Conference are now online:
Video also available on YouTube here.
Video also available on YouTube here.
Videos of Tim Farron’s rally speech and Nick Clegg’s closing speech to Conference are now online:
Video also available on YouTube here.
Video also available on YouTube here.
Farron is outstanding.
Tim Legs Good
Nick Legs Bad
I like Tim’s bit where he said “Nick changed the election.”
Yep, Nick also changed the party when we didn’t want to be changed. Proper little Tony Blair he is – I wonder if Clegg and Cameron take in turns to be Blair?
Farron is really very good. Very human, very natural and someone you really can believe in.
Tim, keep making speeches like that and those of us who have left you recently might just be tempted back. A little before you, I too joined that Liberal, progressive, internationalist, green party that wanted to see a fairer Britain and was very much a party of the libertarian left. The problem is that it hasn’t looked that way for some time now; the coalition government formed last year, has only made it look less so. You need us back to win those forthcoming elections, because without ground-troops you won’t win. You need to work on others in the party to get us back with the same old verve and belief we once had.
…..And Nick, there is no such thing as a radical centre party – by definition.