We read the Daily Express, so you don’t have to you.
Yesterday, the Express quoted Lembit Opik on what happens when an MP loses their job:
Basically resent it for three years, become almost insolvent and then be grateful to be able to afford a pint.
We suspect there may be an element of auto-biography in Lembit’s remarks.
* News Meerkat - keeping a look-out for Liberal Democrat news. Meerkat photo by Paul Walter
Is Lembit still an official PPC? Could he return in some form?
Return what ?
Wonder whether Lembit has reflected on how the party came to lose ‘his’ seat – and whether he has any responsibility for the subsequent loss of a rare safer seat in the Assembly and 2015 GE?
Sorry if this sounds callous, am weary of this party suffering from spectacular own goals!
A few weeks ago I was scanning the Radio in the car whilst driving to catch a cross channel ferry, and was amazed to hear Lembut is now a presenter on BBC Radio Kent. Don’t know he blagged himself ino that job, but he seems more siuted to it than the job he had in mid-Wales.
I’m sure Lembit’s remarks will be suitably viewed by those losing their jobs in e.g. the steel industry.
He had many virtues in his earlier career, but ……