Kelly-Marie Blundell is nothing if not courageous and tenacious. For those of you who don’t know her, she’s our candidate in Guildford, a member of the party’s Federal Policy Committee and prominent member of the Social Liberal Forum. She’s been behind many of the excellent motions on welfare reform and food banks which have been passed at Liberal Democrat conference in the last few years.
She’s leading a lively campaign in Guildford, a seat held between 2001 and 2005 for the party by Sue Doughty. Just the other day, I saw that she was committed to many hustings meetings. But she’s managed to fit in fulfilling a lifelong ambition. Tomorrow morning at 9am, she’ll be doing this:
Tomorrow morning I’m at Moscow State Circus…. to walk the tight rope! #guildford
— Kelly-Marie Blundell (@KellyMarieLD) April 21, 2015
Clearly we are putting our parliamentary candidates under too much stress if this is what they do for a rest!
I asked her why she wanted to do it:
I’ve always been fascinated by trapeze and high wire in the circus. The human capaibiltiies are amazing. My brother was a junior gymnast and I always wanted a go!
There will be some media coverage of this, so we will keep you posted.
Kelly-Marie has all our support as she undertakes this daring venture. If you admire her courage, you might like to make a donation to her campaign.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
she’s a star.! The best I could manage was an abseil, and that terrified me..
Heh thanks Peter!
It was quite daunting, but I fell off and got straight back up and back on – that’s what we need from politicians 😉
There’s a picture here: