Lib Dem GAIN from Tories in Castle ward, Alnwick Town Council

Lib Dems GAIN Castle ward, Alnwick TC

Congratulations to Councillor Sara Walton, elected today for Castle ward on Alnwick Town Council, following the resignation of the Conservative councillor through ill health.

The result:

LD Sara Walton 329;
Con 238;
Lab 94

Turnout 24.4%.
LD GAIN from Con.

New councillor Sara Walton said,

It’s very humbling that so many people have put their trust in me. I’m determined to bring a fresh perspective to the Town Council and hope my experience as a solicitor and school governor will be put to good use.

I enjoyed meeting people during the campaign and hearing about their hopes for our town. I will work hard to represent their views and bring solutions to problems where possible.

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This entry was posted in Council by-elections.


  • Andrew Duffield 3rd Sep '10 - 8:20am

    Well done Sara and the team – excellent result!

  • Well done Sara
    We’re sure you’ll do a fantastic job.
    Gillian, Keith and Rosie

  • Is there anything we can learn from these recent successes – here and in Hemel? Does anyone know why they overturned conservative majorities?

  • Because it is a parish council election and the candidates get elected by knowing the most people in their village…

    I’d be interested in the turnout – 10%?

  • Cornishmaid 3rd Sep '10 - 11:26am

    Congratulations Councillor, a convincing win.
    (Turnout, as clearly indicated above, was almost 25% and I would hardly call Alnwick a village.)

  • Paul McKeown 3rd Sep '10 - 12:10pm


    Can’t you read: 24.4%, not your putative 10%.

  • sara walton 3rd Sep '10 - 1:35pm

    thanks for all the supportive comments – it’s interesting to note that I have only lived in the town for four years whilst the Con candidate has lived here for around 20 and is the Chair of the local Conservative party and a local business owner so I don’t think the “knowing most people” theory works in this case – although I can imagine it does often hold true. In my view it was the dedicated hard work carried out by the election team in producing regular leaflets and delivering them over a large ward that raised my profile, followed by regular canvassing on the doorstep (and in the rain) and by phone, also press releases on my part in working to solve a ward related issue. It is also partly due to a very strong local loyalty to our well respected MP Sir Alan Beith giving some brand recognition. Finally I would add that I campaigned on being a new face in the Town Council and not having all those “invisible” networks that do sometimes make local politics seem like a closed shop. I think the team here are all proud of the turnout figure – although of course, we will be looking at the patterns of turnout to see how to improve next time. Can’t wait to get started, will be logging on for advice …

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