Lib Dem TV Guide

The Lib Dem DCMS team have clearly just had their Christmas Radio Times delivered, and they’re not impressed.

Don Foster has been campaigning against Christmas repeats for years. And this year it’s worse than ever!

  • More than a third of all programmes shown between Christmas Eve and Boxing Day will be repeats.
  • ITV is the only channel to not to have increased its Christmas Day repeats since 2003.
  • Channel Five is the worst offender with 60% of all the programmes shown over Christmas being repeats, including a doubling in Christmas Day repeats.
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  • I would suggest to Don he do the job he is paid for and not concern hismself with this drivile.
    If this is his biggest worry he really needs to get out more….and for God’s sake its yet another chance for people to laugh at us!!

  • Not another Xmas repeat – Don Foster has campaigning against Christmas repeats for years

  • I say go and roast chestnuts by the fire, argue over trivial pursuit answers (original genus edition which is 20 years out of date and at least 30% wrong now), and nick the good bits out of everyone elses stockings – who needs tv.

    or you could buy a book from amazon party libdem deal fingy and educate yourself instead…

  • If people didn’t want to see things more than once, DVDs of TV shows wouldn’t sell…

  • I’d rather watch a repeat of Inspector Morse than any amount of new I’m A Celebrity type stuff. I used to worry about whether The Great Escape was going to be on, but that’s not a problem now I’ve got it on DVD.

    Perhaps Don should spend New Year’s Eve in Germany and see if he can catch Dinner for One –

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