The Voice’s Mark Pack has taken to the (web)pages of The Spectator to dispute the case put by Home Office Minister James Brokenshire about the Draft Communications Data Bill:
What do you do if a regulator has failed? Leave them unreformed and instead give them greater powers? That is the line Home Office Minister James Brokenshire is arguing.
The regulator in question is the Interception of Communications Commissioner and the powers relate to online monitoring. For the Draft Communications Data Bill would not only give the government far more scope to monitor what we do online, but Brokenshire also argues we should be reassured that a large part of these new powers would be monitored by that Commissioner.
However, take a look at the record and what you see is a failed regulator…
When James Brokenshire argues that new government powers will be carefully controlled by the Interception of Communications Commissioner, that isn’t a reason to be reassured. It is a reason to be deeply worried.
Read Mark’s post in full, including the details of how the regulator has failed, here.
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