Linda Jack on Nick’s first 100 days

Before we knew who was to be our new leader I rashly penned a piece on what I thought he should do in his first 100 days. Having been asked to reflect on how I think he has done, I went back to elements of my original musings.

Having taken a military perspective, I suggested that our new leader needed to have

* A thorough understanding of our ‘enemy’ – it is after all the ground they currently hold that we wish to take;
I think we have begun to see Nick’s strength in this area, although there is a way to go. He tells a good story about the shortcomings of our opposition, but I think we all need to gather more intelligence on the ground. A few more pre-emptive strikes wouldn’t go amiss! All too often Cameron in particular makes wild claims that are not challenged.

* A realistic appraisal of what, with small (but I would argue effective and fleet of foot) numbers and limited resources, he can achieve;
Nick has demonstrated his own fleetness of foot over this first 100 days, he has attracted a lot of media interest, often against the odds. I like the way he is taking the battle to the enemy!

* A clear strategy;
Nick’s conference speech began to tell a good story, this now needs backing up with the strategy. If we are to take ground, where, how and when? Do we stick to our old target seat strategies? As the party of PR should we be considering more carefully what the strategy looks like, for example in the Euro elections? Are we going to continue to try to be all things to all people, or are we going to be more focused, clearer about what we stand for, and, where necessary, more disciplined?

So our multi-task leader, in his first 100 days, needs to establish his Int Corps, lead his SAS (demonstrating very quickly just how brave he is), motivate the Infantry – and to boot be a good recruiting Sergeant!

Now I am not sure whether the Intelligence Corps has been established (possibly it is so secret we don’t know anything about it!), but I do believe Nick has shown some of the courage of the SAS commander. He has been prepared to lead from the front whilst also supporting his troops.

And, despite the fact that I didn’t support his position on the Lisbon Treaty vote, I think he has shown real leadership there too, well evidenced by the way that even those who “rebelled” against him were still very supportive of him as their leader. Nick has talked about us being anti-establishment, taking risks and being radical. Again, there is already lots of evidence of this, but of course…….I would like to see far more!

In terms of recruitment, early days, but if my non-typical Lib Dem children are anything to go by, they left Liverpool (their first conference) bowled over by Nick’s speech and convinced that if his message could get wider coverage he would win many many people over.

Nick has the presence, energy and passion to attract members. His Town Hall initiative is great. I will be interested to see whether recruitment is already on the increase. I would, though, have liked to see him move more quickly in terms of demonstrating his undoubted commitment to diversity in the party – but I trust that will be rectified very soon.

In general, I think Nick is taking the long view. For example he has not thrown himself into trying to make a name for himself in PMQs – he has been competent and in time I trust he will relax and be able to naturally combine some humour. But, in most new jobs it is wise to spend some time getting to grips with the task. Certainly in his conference speech I had a real sense that here was a man in it for the long run, someone who was prepared to listen and develop and ultimately grow comfortably into the role.

Personally I will continue to disagree with him on some of his preferred methodology and reluctance to accept that sometimes real change also needs adequate funding, I would also love it if he had a Damascus Road moment and revisited scrapping Trident …………… but as I have said before and will no doubt say again, he is a man with whose big picture objectives I totally agree and to use a biblical analogy (with apologies to Laurence Boyce, Joe Otten, et al!), I believe he is the Joshua who has what it takes to ultimately lead us into the “Promised Land”!

* Linda Jack blogs at Lindyloo’s Muze.

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  • Good piece Linda. Heard Polly Toynbee comment on Radio 4 earlier today that Nick Clegg was ‘shouting too much on PMQs, and had ‘not got it right yet’, before going on to gush how Gordon had landed some ‘good blows on Cameron’ today.
    Excuse me, but the crescendo of shrieking and heckling from the Tory and Labour benches every time Nick gets to his feet, is the reason that Nick has to shout. Couldn’t possibly expect Speaker Martin to have any control over the baying masses he’s paid handsomely to keep in order!
    Nick’s questions at PMQ’s have been the sort of bread and butter issues that resonate with the ordinary public, such as house repossessions and energy bills.
    A very impressive first 100 days!
    A shame that the mealy mouthed commentators, and Labour cheerleaders, can’t bring themselves to acknowledge just how well he’s done.

  • “…bowled over by Nick’s speech and convinced that if his message could get wider coverage he would win many many people over.”

    Ah, the age old lament of Lib Dems – if only people knew they’d understand!

    Garnering that wider coverage is what I believe our party leader’s primary goal must be…

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