Luciana Berger hit by yet more Labour infighting in Liverpool Wavertree

The story so far: Labour selects Luciana Berger as their candidate for Liverpool Wavertree, despite the fact that she was also a candidate for the local elections in Camden, London. Labour MP Peter Kilfoyle attacks Luciana Berger’s selection. Off the back of her Camden connection, a Liverpool paper decides to put Luciana Berger’s Livipudllian credentials to the test; a test that she then fails.

And now there are mutterings of discontent over how the selection process was run – because it turns out that during the selection contest she was staying in same house as Jane Kennedy, the retiring MP and her partner, Peter Downing. The problem with that? Peter Downing is the Constituency Labour Party’s secretary and so was the person running the selection contest:

Frank Hont, regional secretary of Unison, confirmed he had written a probing letter to the party demanding answers over the selection process. (Liverpool Echo)

The Liverpool Daily Post’s headline on all this? Liverpool Wavertree MP candidate Luciana Berger dismisses third election crisis, going on to say, “She has been rocked by criticism and alleged scandal”.

All this will do no harm at all to the chances of the Liberal Democrat candidate, Colin Eldridge.

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  • Tony Malfoy 4th Feb '10 - 1:20pm

    Don’t be surprised if Luciana turns on the water works at some point and blames the Ldems for demonising her. I remember her doing the same in NUS (although under slightly different circumstances).

  • Rhonda Hatfield 28th Feb '10 - 2:01am

    i wish her well too! good looking, intellegent, coherant. shes the perfect date – but not nessisarily the perfect candi’date’ for my home – wavertree ( i cant spell so dont pull me up on that it would be boring) i just dont want someone whos been in my community for 12 minuets looking after me and my comunities interests! rather have colin who has set up home here, ran a buissiness here, understands my communities needs and loves wavo as much as i do. thats just me personally. as i say i wish her well and i sure she will do well but hopefuly just somewhere else.

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