The long awaited Paris talks on climate change are finally upon us. This is a chance for the world to come together to address the biggest threat facing humanity and decide on a collective response.
As a party we have been extremely committed to the cause of addressing climate change for many years and we’re not going to stop now. Nick Clegg signed a pledge with David Cameron and Ed Miliband for the UK Government to seek a deal in Paris to limit temperature rises to 2 degrees. We need to make sure this happens.
I am speaking at the big climate rally in London on 29th November – The People’s March – and will be marching with Green Liberal Democrats to make our voice heard.
Please join us for this significant moment in history. You can RSVP to join the Liberal Democrat Bloc here.
Let us know you’re coming so we can stand firm together and demonstrate that concern for our world and its people is central to what it means to be a Liberal Democrat.
* Lynne Featherstone was the MP for Hornsey and Wood Green from 2005 to 2015, and served as a minister in both the Home Office and Department for International Development. She is now a Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords and blogs at
It is not by any stretch of the imagination “the biggest threat facing humanity” so I would be pleased if you addressed the many other problems that are more worthy of this description.
The global warming threat has some basis in science, but it has been hi-jacked, exaggerated, politicized, and exploited far beyond any reality of the problem. It is the consequence of single objective government funding, flawed science and intimidation of those who challenge the corruption.
Lynne Featherstone would be better employed investigating the truth which involves failed climate models, manipulated temperature datasets and the simple fact that the observations disagree with the so-called science.
Is it not too late? Even our pledges along with the other countries will not change the outcome. They fall short.
Anne – Our pledges and sacrifices are completely irrelevant not to mention negligible in the scheme of things.
Fear, alarmism and lies constitute a powerful tool. Climate change did not become a trillion dollar industry by being about truth. The science is riddled with flaws. You have no reason to fear climate change. What climate change?
Temperatures climbed sharply in the eighties and nineties but within the range of natural variability. Temperatures have remained completely flat since 1998. These are the facts.
Could you tell us who you really are please? Do you have the qualifications to comment on climate modelling?
I am a geologist – you can look me up if you like. I don’t claim any expertise on climate modelling or measuring global temperature. But I work in the same building as many excellent scientists who are experts in this field and who believe the opposite to you.
As usual with climate change deniers, you like to compare with the exceptional El Nino year of 1998. Here is an excellent website that contains all the relevant data
It is clear that compared to the average of 1997-1999, warming of the atmosphere has continued, albeit at a slower rate than the previous two decades. But more important, the heat content of the upper 2000 m of the oceans has continued to rise at the same rate.
Now where I might agree with you is that the Earth has indeed been much hotter at times in the geological past. Our effects on the climate system so far are within the natural variation. However as far as we can tell we are affecting the climate rather quickly and in a particular direction, and the result will almost certainly be a significant rise in sea-level within the lifetimes of children alive today. For many of us that will not be a huge concern, but for people in Bangladesh, Holland and New Orleans, and perhaps London, it will be, and we should be planning now for that scenario.
Liberal Democrats may be interested to see a picture of Norman Lamb’s father on that website cited in my last post.
My own father did his PhD on absorption of radiation by CO2 back in the 1940’s. He told me as a boy in the 1960’s that burning coal would lead to global warming and sea level rise!