Following David Laws’ call for proposals for the Liberal Democrats’ 2015 Manifesto, the first submissions from members are now up on the Manifesto Website.
Watch this space for more members’ ideas to be discussed. Or submit your own idea and maybe you’ll see it up there soon!
This website looks slick from the outside, but the registration does not work, or otherwise whoever is supposed to be letting party members log on is not doing so. I registered (or tried to) over the weekend but still cannot access it.
How will ‘ideas’ from members be posted? Is there any kind of vetting/filtering system?
I am pro immigration. I would like to shift the popular opinion that immigration is a bad thing. For example, people need to be explained that if they think that the immigrants are taking ‘our jobs’ it’s not the immigrants who are at fault, it is the fact that there are not enough jobs. It would be interesting to see how many people actually have close immigrant ancestors. Our country can be improved by high skilled immigrants. As for ‘low skilled’ (as called by Labour), I want to see an action plan to help motivate these people to learn English. Last but not least, for immigrants as a whole, I would like to see a plan of action to encourage immigrants to integrate with British society, as this is truly the issue at hand.