More to follow later – at the moment I don’t have access to the statement that was released to the media, and I’m, er, off to the theatre. But it has been confirmed, and a statement has been released.
UPDATE: Thanks to Jonathan Davies for posting the statement in the comments. The Independent has a story on the resignation which says:
The row was potentially damaging for Sir Menzies, who has insisted that voting reform is a top priority. He will attempt to limit the fall-out from the row today, using a speech to the party’s Welsh conference to declare that the party still regards proportional representation as an overriding priority. He will declare: “Be in no doubt that my commitment to proportional representation – for every election – is absolute.”
Iain Dale has also picked this up, and it looks like some anonymous Lib Dems have made some comments.
From the timing, I assume it’s over that briefing? I wonder if it’s
a) in protest
b) in disgrace, or
c) a complete coincidence
Anyone have the inside track on this? Feel free to stick it on the members’ forum… 😉
Statement by Chris Rennard
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 17:08:36 -0000
> Liberal Democrat Chief Executive Chris Rennard confirmed today that
> Mark Littlewood
would be leaving his position as Head of Media in the next two months.
> “The party is very grateful to Mark for playing an invaluable role in
> the party in the last
General Election campaign and in Menzies Campbell’s first year as Leader. During his time as Head of Media the party expanded considerably the size and effectiveness of its media team. Mark indicated to the party his intention to move on last November.”
> Mark Littlewood told his media team that he had “enjoyed working with
> the party over the
last two and a half years”, and told them of his plans to undertake a number of freelance PR projects in the future.
> The Liberal Democrats are now seeking a new Head of Media who will
> report directly to
Jon Oates, the new Director of Policy & Communications who takes up his post on March 19th.
So apparently a coincidence then – although the timing is certainly peculiar!