Party President, Mark Pack, has issued another report back to members. This time he focuses on the reports that are being presented to the online Autumn Conference at the end of September. You can read the Conference reports pack here.
This year, as a result of a review by the Federal Board on the working of our party’s central committees, there are more reports than usual to Conference. They give an interesting insight into the inner workings of the Liberal Democrats, with contributions, as usual, from the Federal Committees and parliamentary groups, plus a financial review and statements from the President, Vice-President and the State parties. There are also reports from the Campaign for Gender Balance and the Racial Diversity Campaign, and a summary of the workings of the new Complaints Procedure.
I suppose some people will get some sort of satisfaction in taking hours over Minutes.
Fiddling (about) while Rome burns.
“Wake up and smell the coffee.”
There is a vacancy for a deputy leader, whose energy and enthusiasm could be used in campaigning around the country, but she should support Liberal Democrat policy. The Green Party’s view on electoral reform creates a list of dummies. Stick to STV. Take a trip to Northern Ireland and listen to the Alliance Party, but do not offer them a merger. They have a unique local context.
Why is there no report from the Federal Appeals Panel? (Required under Art 22.6)
I’m told this is still a work in progress