Mike Hancock MP has published a statement on his website, confirming that he was voluntarily questioned by police yesterday, following allegations made last month by one of his constituents.
The statement in full:
I can confirm that I was questioned on Tuesday 12 October by officers of the Hampshire Police in relation to allegations made against me by one individual. I attended the police station voluntarily, cooperated fully and answered all questions that were asked.
Normal processes now have to be followed by the police, which I entirely understand.
In the circumstances, and in accordance with legal advice, it would be inappropriate for me to make any further comment on this subject as to do so could prejudice due process.
I hope that everyone will understand my position, respect my privacy and that of my family and will demonstrate the same respect for the legal process.
I intend to carry on normally with my work as a Portsmouth member of parliament and councillor, both in Hampshire and in Westminster, and to represent fully all my constituents as I have always done.
The newspaper reports that he was arrested and released on bail. The police confirm that a 64 yr old was arrested.
How come this personal statement omits that?
He is a wrong ‘un.
You go along voluntarily & then they arrest you at the station. It’s not like The Bill with handcuffs &drama. It’s just Police protocol. His statement is factually correct
This story is being closely followed by Guido, see, e.g.: http://order-order.com/2010/10/13/breaking-handycock-arrested/
Oh good old Guido. All the muck that’s fit to rake.
I don’t think Mike has ever been done for drunk driving.
this man cost me my buissness when he was head of planning . he woz good freinds with the main objector to my tyre shop .no one else had a problem . he shut me down
Hands up who else thinks Mike Hancock is being smeared?
Peter Kennedy,
(1) With respect to the refusal of planning permission / enforcement notice, did you appeal? If so, what did the Planning Inspector say?
(2) With respect to the alleged prejudicial interest, did you report this to the Standards Committee? If so, what did they say?
Raises hand – it isn’t like it hasn’t happened to him before, see the injunction he had to take out to prevent thousands of libellous leaflets being distributed during the GE.
I am sure that this is in the same vain.
i appealed 2 planning committee . they said very rare 2 overturn local goverment decisions
“Hands up who else thinks Mike Hancock is being smeared?”
My hand is upright too. Since May, the media and their billionaire paymasters have waged a relentless campaign of lies, smears, abuse and vilifcation against Lib Dem MPS. Laws, Alexander, Huhne, Munt, Hancock. Baseless garbage, the lot of it. Sooner or later the ordure ejected by the Murdoch.Rothermere muckspreader will be so all-pervasive that it will cease to stick.
A time will come when the decent people of Britain will say enough is enough. Our yellow media will be shoved back into the slimepool whence it emerged. Let’s dream of the day.
Peter Kennedy,
You appeal to the Planning Inspectorate in Bristol. Instructions on how to do this are pritned on the Decision Notice that you would have received.
long time ago now. i was young and ill informed at the time
Peter Kennedy,
No one person can refuse you planning permission. There is a process which involves many people in agreeing the planning decision. To blame a single person is not reasonable.
Peter: whatever may have happened in the past, that’s no excuse for making the sort of personal threats you have been making in comments on this site, which have now been removed.