New edition of Liberator magazine

The latest issue of Liberator magazine (issue no.353 – June 2012) has just been delivered to subscribers. In the unlikely event that you are not yet a subscriber, here’s a summary of the contents:

  • The editorial column Commentary examines the electoral consequences for the Liberal Democrats of the coalition. It also looks at the consequences for the party of the Leveson inquiry
  • The insider gossip column Radical Bulletin includes a report of the paper circulated by John Pugh to fellow Liberal Democrat MPs following the May elections.
  • ‘Leaders on a different planet’ – Tony Greaves (a Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords) wonders whether anyone at the top of the Liberal Democrats understands why government policies have left the party in such a dire place.
  • ‘Life in the balance’ – Adrian Sanders (Liberal Democrat MP for Torbay, and a member of the Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee) says that the phone hacking scandal presents an opportunity to restore public trust in the media.
  • ‘Going Mobile’ – Claire Tyler (a Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords, and a member of the all-party parliamentary group on social mobility) says that help with parenting is essential to social mobility and need not be a ‘nanny state’ activity.
  • ‘Meet the Linos’ – Simon Titley (a member of the Liberator Collective) says that a recent flurry of Liberal Democrat factions suggests a divided party, but the main division is not where you think.
  • ‘Bridging the new generation gap’ – Geoff Payne (events organiser of the Social Liberal Forum) explains why, as the recession sees the young get poorer, this year’s Social Liberal Forum conference will focus on intergenerational justice. (Further details of the conference on 14 July here).
  • ‘Is it time to pull the plug?’ – Chris White (a Liberal Democrat county and district councillor in Hertfordshire) says that the Liberal Democrats have tried to make coalition work, but they’ve forgotten about fairness and the Tories have proved unfit to govern.
  • ‘Behind the penguin’ – Scotland’s Liberal Democrats turned in a dismal performance in May. Caron Lindsay (a Scottish Liberal Democrat member who blogs at Caron’s Musings) wonders whether they can rebuild by 2015.
  • ‘Wales stays at home’ – Peter Black (Liberal Democrat local government spokesperson in the Welsh Assembly) says that deliberate abstention by supporters angered by the Budget damaged the Welsh Liberal Democrats.
  • ‘A bad idea beaten’ – Mark Smulian (a member of the Liberator Collective) says that the defeat almost everywhere of the illiberal concept of elected mayors is excellent news.
  • ‘Freeing expression’ – Prateek Buch (an executive member of the Social Liberal Forum) says that the Defamation Bill is the climax of a long campaign by civil libertarians and scientists to reform the draconian libel laws.
  • Book reviews.
  • Lord Bonkers’ Diary – Lord Bonkers (Liberal MP for Rutland South West 1906-10) reports on a recent visit to Cornwall, where he falls in amongst some local pasty smugglers.

If you missed any of our previous editions, they are available online here.

You can subscribe to Liberator here.

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The Liberator Collective may be e-mailed at: [email protected].

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