New LDV members survey now live: your views on Lib Dem elections, Trident, and the Labour leadership contest

The new LDV members’ survey is now live. So if you are one of the 1,000+ registered members of the Liberal Democrat Voice forum – and any paid-up party member is welcome to join – then you now have the opportunity to make your views known.

We’ll be undertaking a full post-conference survey in a week or so’s time, so this survey focuses on some internal party elections coming up in the Lib Dems and Labour, specifically:

  • following the announcement that Baroness Ros Scott is standing down as Party President, what you think the main role of the President should be;
  • what you think has been Ros’s biggest achievement or failure in the role;
  • whether you think any Parliamentarians should stand;
  • an early staw poll of the names so far mentioned;
  • who you think should be the Lib Dem candidate for Mayor of London;
  • your views on Trident and future defence policy;
  • who you think would make the best leader of the Labour party from Labour’s perspective; and
  • who you think would make the best Labour leader from the Lib Dems’ electoral vantage.

It should take no longer than 5 minutes to fill in. All registered members of the Forum should have already been e-mailed with a unique link to take you to the survey. If you haven’t received yours, or if you are signing up to the Forum now, please drop Ryan Cullen a line at [email protected]

We’ll publish the results in a few days’ time. You can access the results from our previous LDV members surveys by clicking here.

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This entry was posted in LDV Members poll.


  • David Hendry 17th Sep '10 - 9:44pm

    I think we can probably work out what members will have to say about Trident replacement: see the LDV report of the recent YouGov / Greenpeace poll at

    I have to say that I don’t know a single party member who is in favour of ‘like-for-like’ replacement, and a big majority want to see Trident scrapped in its entirety.

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