“Nick Clegg is an idle f*****r says David Cameron”

clegg-cameron_different_directionsThe Mirror’s headline promised Coalition discord and rancour. The reality was a lot less interesting – a joke by the Tory leader as his Lib Dem counterpart enjoyed dinner with his wife. Here is that racy anecdote in all its “foul-mouthed” glory:

The PM’s foul-mouthed remark came as he heard the Lib Dem leader and his wife were enjoying a meal out – while he was still busy working. He made the discovery after calling a horse-training pal who happened to be in the same restaurant as the Cleggs.

Mr Cameron wanted information about an Arab prince’s horses – to help him make “small talk” in crucial trade negotiations with the United Arab Emirates. During the call, the pal said he was sitting at a table near the Deputy PM.

According to a senior Tory source, Mr Cameron then said: “Tell him he’s an idle f****r. I’m out here batting for Britain and he’s having a nice dinner.”

A Lib Dem insider said Mr Clegg never received the tongue-in-cheek message, adding: “Nick does not regard himself as idle.”

The insider didn’t clarify whether Nick regards himself as a f*****r, The Voice notes.

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  • Sounds like idle rancour to me.

  • Nonconformistradical 24th Nov '13 - 12:23pm

    And all this from the PM who once managed to leave his 8-year old daughter in a pub after a family meal??????

  • Tony Greaves 24th Nov '13 - 1:34pm

    You can’t even spell the word properly in your headline! (The Guardian managed to print the word in full but I won’t write it here since the nambys who run LDV would censor it!)


  • Benjamin Mathis 24th Nov '13 - 7:38pm

    It’s clearly not “Flipper.”

    How could Nick be both “idle” and “faster than lightning?”

  • We’re still in the Rose Garden…

  • Peter Tyzack 25th Nov '13 - 9:30am

    Where did the story come from.. was the informant next to Cameron at the time; was the ‘horse-training pal’ less of a pal than Cam thought; or was the phone call hacked?

  • Michael Berridge 25th Nov '13 - 12:30pm

    Silly. Very silly.

  • Simon Banks 25th Nov '13 - 2:09pm

    Cameron of course went on to say, “Whereas I am an extremely vigorous f*****.”

  • Fiddler? As in while Rome burns…

  • I look forward to the time when the only F word associated with Clegg is , FORGOTTEN.

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