Opinion: Europe – is Ming playing with fire?

This I am writing just before the Lib Dem conference gets started in Brighton. Events will take their course, and I do not know where the Lib Dems will end up by next Thursday. But I for one am feeling rattled already.

The Liberal Democrats have never been seriously divided over Europe before. Whilst Labour and the Tories tear themselves apart, the Liberal Democrats have been left sitting pretty, even though the electorate have been largely unsympathetic to our policy. Never mind, we reassure ourselves, the electorate don’t care about Europe anyway. To a large extent that is true, but it would obviously be better if they positively supported our policy.

Now all of a sudden, the most pro-European party may well inadvertently find itself supporting policies that lead the country out of the EU. How did it come to this?

The way in which the Lib Dems choose whether to support referenda or not is certainly something that I find confusing. We could have had a radical coalition in Scotland with the SNP, introducing the Local Income Tax, opposing the replacement of Trident and introducing radical Green taxes.

All that was thrown away because the party did not want a referendum on Scottish independence, which we were told would create uncertainty that would damage the Scottish economy. Now we are told that we support a referendum on whether or not to stay in the EU. What effect on the uncertainty of the outcome would that have on the economy?

Quite a bit more I would have thought!

The reason of course why Ming has upped the stakes on the issue is because of the rebellion brewing over whether the Lib Dems should support a referendum over the new constitution. If the naysayers get their way at conference, Ming may well have to resign.

In the past I have called for Ming to resign, but I do not want him to resign over this issue, nor do I want the party to be seriously divided at this moment in time. I accept that the time to debate the leadership is over and we should focus on the next general election instead. If Ming resigns over this particular issue, his successor will have an almighty mess to clear up.

So in not wanting to be defeated on a debate on a relatively trivial referendum, the whole debate over that becomes obliterated about whether we stay in the EU.

Personally I am a pro-European, I like the policy (up until now) of the party. I am confused by the policy of not supporting a referendum over whether or not we support the changes to the constitution of Europe this time, compared to the previous time when we did. I looked forward to conference where I could get these questions answered. I was minded to support Ming, because I support Europe.

But a small group of bloggers and Lib Dem MPs put a stop to that.

* Geoffrey Payne is secretary of Hackney Liberal Democrats.

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  • The referendum decision was absolutely right – and I would believe that if there were a vote and the country voted to leave. And I say that as a pro-European LibDem.

    That stated, the involvement of every single European state in the EU must be grounded totally in popular consent.

    We cannot avoid a vote on the EU simply because we fear the people want to leave. Voters are not little children who need to be looked after by the adult politicians. Europe’s democratic deficit and the feeling of alienation that some people feel towards it are not best conquered by “protecting” them from what some might see as the error of their beliefs.

    We’re liberals, for Heaven’s sake. Let us act like liberals.

  • Dave – I get the message that you don’t like this policy. Your notion however that Ming is somehow denying the British people a say on Europe by proposing their first real and fundamental say on our membership of the EU for 30+ years is nonsense.

  • Robert Higgins 19th Sep '07 - 9:02pm

    Well the other two major parties play fast and loose either side of the Scots-English border, it’s nice to see the Lib-Dems join in. Let’s face it folks either side couldn’t care less what each other is doing, as good a reason as any for seperate parliaments is it not?

  • People want a referendum on the treaty, not on the EU itself. Ming’s policy comes accross as a bit petulant and grumpy.

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