Liberal Youth’s Gold Guard effort during the local election campaign saw them campaign vigorously all over the country. There were action days from Berwick to Cambridge to Somerset and every night an hour was set aside to call for a specific candidate.
Some of the party’s most treasured figures put together this video to thank them, and it was emailed to their members last night. Well, Paddy said a little more than thank you, but he’s allowed, because we are obliged to obey his every instruction between now and 2015.
We thought you might like to see it.
Rumour has it, by the way, that Nick Clegg has been ringing round certain campaigners to thank them for their efforts in the local election. This direct contact and recognition of effort has to be a good thing for party morale.
I wonder what the “youths” moral will be like when they have read the article in the Guardian about proposed changes to the student loan thresholds? The fact that no safeguards were written into the loans contract was and is a continuing discrace and if the Lib Dems allow any changes to the thresholds their reputation wil be destroyed. How can any sensible adult recomend to the next generation to take out a long term loan where the repayment terms can be changed at any time is behond me. Loan sharks is the only term that come to mind. Perhaps when Nick ring them they can ask him about it?
Impressed how Paddy was able to keep it short, he didn’t even say “there are three points I want to make…” 😉
I have to say, after finding myself despairing about the Liberal Youth a few weeks ago, they have really proven me wrong, and have really gotten their act together to engage members.
Keep it up.
Sadly weak. No content.
A bit vacuous … no content!