Lib Dems being out campaigning is such a normal thing – we have always been proud of our all year round work ethic. So what have our councillors and candidates been up to this weekend?
It seems to have been lovely weather everywhere:
Martin Horwood and his team were out in his Cheltenham constituency:
Sunny morning & warm response on the doorstep this morning in #Leckhampton @cheltlibdems
— Martin Horwood (@MartinChelt) February 14, 2015
But, look, how sweet is this? He still found time to remember someone special:
Shona oddly reluctant for me to put anything soppy about her on Twitter.. #valentine #M❤️Sxxx — Martin Horwood (@MartinChelt) February 14, 2015
And love was also on Mid Dorset and North Poole PPC Vikki Slade’s mind as she asked local residents to say why they loved the area:
Join my campaign today #LoveMDNP in #Broadstone #libdems What do you love about #Dorset & #Poole #ValentinesDay
— vikki slade (@vikki4mdnp) February 14, 2015
Guildford candidate Kelly-Marie Blundell hit the doorsteps in Cranleigh.
Beautiful day in #cranleigh #libdem — Kelly-Marie Blundell (@KellyMarieLD) February 14, 2015
In Bassetlaw, the Lib Dem team reported a pot hole. LDV contributor Leon Duveen didn’t get the memo about having someone in the photo pointing at it, clearly.
Pot hole on Shrewsbury Road at cross road with Radford Road reported to @NottsCC Ref 103470980
— LD4Bassetlaw (@LD4Bassetlaw) February 14, 2015
Craig Duncan’s Dundee West team was out in the town of Broughty Ferry.
Craig with some of the team campaigning in Broughty Ferry this morning … — Craig Duncan (@DuncanDundee) February 14, 2015
There must have been one mighty petrified resident of Sheffield when Joe Otten and all this lot turned up on their doorstep:
My favourite this week has been this one. It’s great to see proper old school public meetings where everyone get together to discuss the issues. They’ve always been part of highland tradition and on Thursday, Willie Rennie, Charles Kennedy and Ross, Skye and Lochaber Scottish Parliament candidate Kate Stephen held a packed event in Portree.
Thank you to everyone who turned out for my public Q&A with @willie_rennie & @KateStephenHLD last night in Portree.
— Charles Kennedy (@charles_kennedy) February 13, 2015
Earlier that day, the three had launched the front page of the Scottish manifesto in Fort William:
Great to join @willie_rennie & @KateStephenHLD in Fort William to launch @scotlibdems #GE2015 manifesto front page.
— Charles Kennedy (@charles_kennedy) February 12, 2015
And here’s a couple we were sent before and never got round to using:
Liberal Youth had an action weekend in Bristol helping Stephen Williams. Here’s one team on their way:
#TeamWilliams leader @swilliamsmp with just some of the @LiberalYouth activists out in Bristol #WinningHere
— Bristol Lib Dems (@BristolLibDems) January 31, 2015
And our own Paul Walter is out and about in Hungerford campaigning for Judith Bunting.
The team out in Hungerford @JudithBuntingLD @caronmlindsay — paulwalteruk (@paulwalteruk) January 31, 2015
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
Lib Dems are going to be needed in parliament in 2015, and possibly coalition, just as much as in 2010. Imagine a Labour-SNP alliance dismantling the UK, posturing over austerity, increasing taxes and interest rates?
A Tory-UKIP alliance could take us out of the EU and inflict nasty policies across the board.
This is why we need to campaign and not spend time debating whether Clegg is a tory double agent, or whatever theories people come out with about him on here.
Well done for the campaigning.
Imagine a LD-Con coalition posturing over deficit reduction, cutting spending and dismantling much of our public services – oh and as well as giving the SNP another excuse for another referendum?
After the next election the only represented national party will probably be Labour (discounting NI) as there will be no Tories, Lib Dem or UKIP to speak of outside the South of England! Do you think that is going to help prevent the break-up of the UK if 2 of those 3 parties are in Government?
Oh, and why is the return of interest rates to a more sustainable level seen as being bad….the current problem is that we have a deflation and countries debasing their currencies with no consequence (at the moment)
Stuart Moran, I am in favour of increasing the interest rate that we charge to banks, but not the government’s borrowing costs. I should have made that more clear in my first post.
If the Tories said they were going to dismantle the state then I am sure the Lib Dems would prefer a coalition with Labour instead. This is partly what the negotiation is going to be about.
Anyway, unfortunately I don’t have time to get into a big debate about it, but you are right that increasing the base rate is probably a good idea. It is not the job of the Bank of England to act as the welfare state for the middle class. 🙂
I have donated in excess of £100.00 to the nearest LD MP standing for reelection and shall do all I can to support the Party and try and squeeze out every vote where it makes sense between now and May (i.e. NOT in constituencies where there is the slightest danger of the Kippers managing to wangle themselves into SECOND place (Farage’s REAL goal for this election so that he can launch a real bid to come near to holding the balance of power at a second general election he feels a weak Westminster government will be forced to hold in a year or so!)), but I am afraid that, with consistent ratings like this ( (and very little prospect in my view of some ‘last minute turn-around’ by hundreds of thousands of ‘Tories with a conscience’), the future is pretty clear. This is despite more interviews, relaunches, policy promises etc than anyone can count. I am afraid the plain and honest truth is that the Party has simply no credibility or hold any more over millions of the electorate and that what the autumn Bournemouth Conference will hence really be about will be the installation of a new Leader whom the public is prepared to trust, backed by a good supportive team and with a distinct and clear message of what precisely the Party stands for and how it can begin to win back precisely the kind of voters it has lost and who have had enough of “the Two Eds” and the other Yesterday’s People around them, are dismayed at the rise of the UK equivalent of Le Pen’s lot and want a political party to support rather than a group of wishful thinkers who (based on the experience of many Brightonians) could not run the proverbial vegan whalk stall, let alone a whole country! Bring it on!