Some more secret party elections you can stand in – act by noon next Friday, 27th February

There are some more secret elections happening. We feel it’s our duty to disseminate the information as widely as possible.

Here are the details of the positions available and how to get yourself nominated:

All persons elected to these posts will hold office for the calendar years 2015 and 2016.

For the election of:

  • One Vice-Chairs of the IRC
  • Three members of the SAO Review Group
  • Two members of the FE Candidates’ sub-group (meets with JSCC)
  • One representatives on ALDE Congress
  • Two representatives to the LI Congress

The election regulations approved by the Federal Executive in May 2009 are attached for information.

Nominations must be supported by two voting members of the outgoing or incoming Federal Executive, a list of whom is attached, and must be returned, with 75 word statements , no later than 12 noon on 27 February 2015 to David Allworthy, [email protected]. Scanned nominations will be accepted.

David Allworthy, Deputy Acting Returning Officer, 20 February 2015

Remember, you have to get your nominations in  with supporting statements by noon on Friday. The Federal Executive members will then vote if there is a contest,

The directly elected members of FE are:

Ramesh Dewan

Dawn Barnes

Joshua Dixon

Neil Fawcett

Jonathan Fryer

James Gurling

Evan Harris

Keith House

Kavya Kaushik

Caron Lindsay

Gordon Lishman

Pauline Pearce

Candy Piercy

Martin Tod

Councillor Reps are Kath Pinnock and Chris White.

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This entry was posted in News.


  • Robert Wootton 21st Feb '15 - 4:36pm

    I am too enslaved by poverty to try and stand. Even though i believe I have shown the way to eliminate poverty by changing the whole economic system for a new economic system that actually works.

  • peter tyzack 22nd Feb '15 - 9:45am

    Robert pre-empts my question… presumably, in a democratic organisation, basic expenses are paid to anyone elected to these positions.. or is there an inbuilt skew here towards the wealthier members of the Party?

  • Caron Lindsay Caron Lindsay 22nd Feb '15 - 11:41am

    For Federal Committees, all expenses after £15 are met. Many of these groups, e.g. the SAO group, meet using things like Skype.

  • Great….now all I have to do is decode the acronyms so that I know what I’m actually not allowed to run for. Are we really sure that we’re more open and democratic than the others? If so, what on earth must they be like!

  • Toby Keynes 22nd Feb '15 - 4:19pm

    Looking on the bright side, these LibDem Voice blogs have already generated at least one candidacy (mine) for at least one of these positions. Thank you, The Voice; what would we do without you?

  • David Evershed 22nd Feb '15 - 4:45pm

    “The election regulations approved by the Federal Executive in May 2009 are attached for information.”

    How do we find and access the attachment?

  • Caron Lindsay Caron Lindsay 23rd Feb '15 - 9:25am

    Copied below, David:


    Elections by the Federal Executive
    The Federal Executive shall elect for two years at the first meeting in each odd numbered year members of the Party, not necessarily being members of the Federal Executive, to the following positions:
    Chair of the Federal Finance & Administration Committee (FFAC),
    Five members of the FFAC,
    Chair of the Campaigns & Communications Committee (CCC),
    Chair of the International Relations Committee (IRC),
    two members of the IRC,
    one Representative on ELDR Council,
    two Representatives on ELDR Congress,
    two representatives on the Liberal International Executive,
    two Representatives to the LI Congress,
    Chair of the Campaign for Gender Balance,
    two Vice Chairs of the Campaign for Gender Balance
    three members of the Diversity Engagement Group
    four members of the standing SAO Review Group.

    The following posts shall also be elected by and from members of the FE:
    Deputy Chair,
    two Members of the CCC,
    two Representatives on the FCC
    two FE representatives to sit on the Candidates’ Sub-Group (which meets with the JSCC).

    Notice of the elections should be placed (where present) in the Party’s periodical and on the Party’s website at least one month before the close of nominations The deadline for receipt of nominations for all elected posts and any accompanying written manifestos is 5pm ten days prior to the meeting of the Federal Executive at which the elections will be held. For a proposal to be valid, a candidate will require the written support of two voting members, though nominations may be made by members of either the existing or incoming Executive. Nominations will be accepted by email from a nominators recognizable email address.
    The Chief Executive shall ex-officio be the Returning Officer for these elections but shall be empowered to delegate this role if they so wish to a staff colleague or Party Member.
    Candidates for the posts of Treasurer, Chair of the CCC, Chair of the FFAC, Chair of the IRC, and Chair of the CGB shall be allowed a written manifesto of up to 200 words should they so wish. All other candidates should be allowed 75 words. The names of nominators shall not be published unless included in the allotted quota of words.
    Candidates for the posts of Treasurer, Chair of the CCC, Chair of the FFAC, Chair of the IRC and Chair of the CGB shall each be allowed a three minute presentation at the FE meeting at which the elections take place, prior to the casting of ballots.
    Should any posts fail to receive the required number of nominations by the closing date, nominations can be taken at the meeting, subject to receipt of the names and signatures of the proposer and seconder and the written consent of the proposed candidate, prior to the start of the meeting.
    All contested elections should be held and the results announced prior to any nominations being made for unfilled posts.
    Canvassing, including the use of telephone, social media and e-mail, shall be allowed.
    The elections for all members of the new Federal Executive must be completed prior to the meeting at which the internal elections are conducted.
    The Principal Councillor elections should be held so that the new representatives can take office at the same time as the Federal Conference representative elections.
    In the event of any dispute arising out of these regulations, the Returning Officer’s decision shall be final.
    Joint nominations for any position will be accepted from two members who wish to job-share a post, provided written consent from both parties to the joint nomination is provided prior to the close of nominations, and on the basis that they only have one vote between them.
    Applications for postal votes in the event of elections must be made in writing (including e-mail) to the Returning Officer by the close of nominations. Postal ballot papers must be returned, in a sealed envelope, to the Returning Officer prior to the start of the Federal Executive meeting at which the elections are held.
    Any casual vacancy amongst the posts elected by the Federal Executive shall be filled by the Federal Executive on the first available opportunity. The by-election to be conducted by the Returning Officer using a process as close to the election regulations contained in this Standing Order as is practical in the circumstances. In an emergency such an election may be held by postal ballot in the absence of a suitable meeting determined by a majority vote by e-mail of the FE having been consulted by the Returning Officer.

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