Stephen promises free nursery places for all two-year-olds

The Scottish Liberal Democrat conference is underway (you can watch a conference video below – the narrator’s voice may sound familiar), and Nicol Stephen is going to unveil a key plank of the Scottish Lib Dems election manifesto – free nursery places for two-year-olds. He will also reaffirm his commitment to a 100% renewable energy target by 2050.

PS: Wales, tell me what you’re doing and I’ll gladly cover it!

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  • It's a two-horse race 17th Feb '07 - 9:41pm

    Paid for, no doubt, by the English!

  • Iparralderen Kidea 18th Feb '07 - 12:40am

    Before Two-Horse gets too snotty about folks North of Hadrian’s Wall, he should remind himself that six Tory leaders in the last 100 years have been Scots: Andrew Bonar Law, Arthur Balfour, Harold McMillan, Alec Douglas-Home, Iain Duncan Smith and David Cameron.

    By the way, Two-Horse. What do you make of Boothby fathering three of MacMillan’s five children?

    Sorry, Two-Horse. The Scottish Conservatives are a wasted vote.

  • It’s a two-horse race

    You don’t fund anything!

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