Tag Archives: admissions

Opinion: fix our school system and stop uni-bashing

As a former constituent and activist in Bermondsey and Old Southwark I greatly enjoyed campaigning on behalf of Simon Hughes and have a lot of respect for his approach to policy and the hard work he puts in, especially meeting face to face with local voters and community groups. I was shocked, however, to read quotes from Simon on the front page of Saturday’s Guardian calling on universities to ‘cut intake’ from independent schools in order to match nationally ‘representative’ proportions: 7.2% was his quoted figure for the proportion of students we ought to aim at coming from an …

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Opinion: In pursuit of excellence

Earlier this month David Lammy MP highlighted the problem of the low number of black students admitted to Oxford and Cambridge Universities and called it the ‘Oxbridge Whitewash’. He wrote in the Guardian (6 Dec):

“Just one British black Caribbean student was admitted to Oxford last year. That is not a misprint: one student. Merton College, Oxford, has not admitted a single black student for five years. At Robinson College, Cambridge, a white applicant is four times more likely to be successful than a black applicant. Last year, 292 black students achieved three A grades at A-level and 475 black

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Recent Comments

  • Mark ValladaresMark Valladares
    @ Callum, As a newly-elected member of your Region's Candidates Committee, I take cautious note of your comments. And yes, Regional Parties can often do more...
  • Margaret
    For what it's worth, very few seat selections were seriously held up last time around because of a shortage of returning officers. The much bigger problem was t...
  • John Walller
    Having been to Greenland, I agree with you, Tom, when you say: ‘the indigenous Innuits respect for their environment and the daily lifestyle of the 57,000 Gre...
  • Peter Davies
    The one part I find a little complacent is the bit that deals with people who couldn't get to target seats "The party ran a very effective telephone campaigning...
  • David Allen
    Dear me Mick Taylor. We don't need a pact. We need a united party to oppose the MAGA threat. Utopian? Well, if the alternative is a fascist world, don't we ...