Tag Archives: brighton

Reflections after a Conference – a challenge to the Lib Dems

Editor’s Note: Mick wrote this piece after the Brighton Conference in 2018 and sent it to me recently as he felt it was still relevant today. Apart from the fact that Brexit is now an (at least for now) inescapable reality, he’s right.  We need to be radical and punchy to deliver the liberal, fair, more equal society that we want to see. I’m reminded of the Liberal not Moderate t-shirts that some of us wore proudly around that Conference…

After a short period at the Lib Dem conference I am still in Brighton for a couple of days. Brighton is quite a good place to reflect on the state of the UK.

Thinking back, Brighton used to be in much better nick than it is now. Many pavements are cracked and broken, many of the houses and hotels look run down and in need of repair and renovation. The seafront is not particularly special and the West Pier is still a burned out shell. Here, in one of the UKs premier resorts, there are many homeless people on the streets and many beggars as well. Hardly the sort of Britain that we Liberal Democrats want to see!

Recycling largely takes place by means of unsightly bins strewn around the streets and the former green-run council’s recycling policies made a mockery of recycling anyway.

I suspect that much of this is the result of austerity, especially the massive cuts to the finances of the local council that no longer enable it to respond to the needs of the Brighton and Hove Community.

Brexit will hardly improve matters, because hotels and restaurants here rely heavily on European workers and they may not be available after March 2019.

Although I have no direct information, I suspect that housing is expensive and that many people, especially the young, have no hope of getting on the housing ladder and live in the private rented sector with its high prices and insecurity of tenure.

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George Taylor, 18, explains why he wants to be Lib Dem Councillor for East Brighton

There’s a by-election coming up in East Brighton and the Lib Dems will be represented by a dynamic and energetic 18 year old candidate, George Taylor.

He explained to The Argus why he’s standing and what he hopes to achieve.

“I think in Brighton we’ve got quite a few problems.

“Homelessness is the main one. Just on St James’s Street where The Argus is you can see so many homeless people, we need to find a solution.

“There’s also housing. In Brighton it’s just too expensive. The chances are I’d still be with my parents if I became an MP.

“And recycling. We don’t

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Conference Directory published

directory2016If you are planning to attend Autumn Conference in Brighton then you need two documents – the Agenda and the Directory. The Agenda sets out all the debates and speeches that will be happening in the Main Auditorium, and that was published last week.

But the public business in the Auditorium, whilst the most visible,  is only one part of what is on offer at Conference. Layered over and around it are the fringe meetings, exhibition and training sessions. At the exhibition you can chat with members of the many special interest organisations within the party, as well as external groups, and join them if you like.

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The Conference Access fund is up and running for Brighton …


… but would like to help even more people this time. The Conference Access fund was set up at the beginning of the year to provide financial support to people who otherwise might not be able to afford to attend Federal Conference.

The fund supported 19 people at the Spring Conference in York.  A good proportion of these were first-timers, one of whom wrote about the experience here on Lib Dem Voice.

Registrations for the Autumn Conference in Brighton are well underway. Once again, when you register you are asked whether you would be willing to make a donation to the fund, and a good number of generous people have already contributed. Watch out for the request if you haven’t yet registered – the more money donated, the more people can be supported.

So how do you apply for a grant?

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Recent Comments

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    We'll miss you, Suzanne :(...