Tag Archives: equality act 2010

Opinion: London 2012 Paralympics – A real legacy for people with disabilities?

I was watching Newsnight last week and saw a discussion on the diversity and legacy potential of London 2012 with respect to the UK’s disabled population. Some of the remarks made by Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson I was in complete agreement with, whilst others left me perplexed and feeling somewhat cut off from whatever the organisers are trying to achieve.

She is right to say that legislation alone will do nothing to change the mindsets of the majority in our society who see disability as something to be scared of. The reason for this, as with many people’s fears, is because …

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Consider the impact of cuts on women, warns Lynne Featherstone

From the Guardian:

In an interview with the Guardian, Featherstone issued her reminder that any public sector job cuts or other deficit reduction plans that failed to consider equality rules would fall foul of the law.

Under the Equality Act 2010, a new equality duty was introduced in April dictating that any public body must have regard to the equality implications of its decisions.

She said: “The equality duty means that the public sector will have to look at who is losing jobs and how those jobs are being lost because there is a duty to do so with regard to the

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  • Nonconformistradical
    @David Le Grice "And for this those of us who have a tendency to do things later in the day, or who suddenly realised they need to go out and buy something fro...
  • Hugh Young
    I can see both sides of the argument, but remember people who work in supermarkets are low paid and work hard, surely they deserve some time with their families...
  • Roland
    " The number of hours that shops are open has greatly increased from the days when almost all were shut on Sundays and also shut on early closing day." Kevin Ha...
  • Roland
    @Simon R - That letter clearly indicates there needs to be follow up FoI for the Network Rail detailed assessment. From this report: https://www.bbc.co.uk/n...
  • Kevin Hawkins
    Two further points that should be considered:- 1) Having restricted Sunday hours for the larger shops provides a boost for smaller businesses. If Sunday tradin...