Tag Archives: federal committee elections 2025

Could you be the Returning Officer for our party elections?

Every three years the Liberal Democrat embark on a series of elections to Federal (ie national) Committees. These include the Federal Board, Federal Council (which scrutinises the Board), Federal Policy Committee, Federal Conference Committee and Federal International relations Committee. In addition, the roles of President and Vice President are also up for election.

The party is recruiting a voluntary Returning Officer to oversee all these elections later this year. Full details of the requirements can be seen here Volunteer role: Returning Officer (Federal Elections). In short, they are looking for “an organised, authoritative and impartial person” who can oversee the team of staff who will carry out the administration of the elections.

Person specification

The successful candidate will possess experience of project management involving multiple stakeholders, ideally in circumstances where arbitration, conflict resolution, or adjudication have been required.

They will have excellent communication and interpersonal skills, even in difficult circumstances. Attention to detail, calmness under pressure and good judgement are required.

Interestingly, the party is hoping to widen its pool of potential Returning Officers.

Experience as a Returning Officer, either within the Party or externally, is not required but advantageous.

If you are interested then read this page. Applications close on 4th February.

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