Tag Archives: flickr

The sensible campaigner is the campaigner with backups

The office wall in one of my former jobs had a cartoon with two drunks slumped in an alleyway bemoaning their fate. One was saying to the other, “It all started to go wrong when I realised the backups hadn’t been working…” He at least had been trying to use backups.

Sometimes people fear trusting data to computers, worried that a wrong key press may result in valuable information being lost. That is to get things wrong: data is safer on computers because it is much easier to do regular backups.

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Opinion: social media priorities

The last article I wrote conjoured up a utopian vision of Liberal Democrat e-campaigning. However, it might not be a realistic aim for individuals or groups who lack social media expertise, or time, to develop a fully fledged social media presence. How, then, should Liberal Democrats prioritise the different elements of social media?

The first choice is an absolute no-brainer. If you do nothing else, start a Facebook page. Don’t mistake a Facebook ‘group’ for a Facebook ‘page’. Though they share some features, they are different beasts. A local Party group should have an ‘official’ Facebook page. Individuals may …

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How to backup Twitter

Why backup Twitter?

It’s very easy to end up behaving as if an internet service will always be there and always be working, at least reasonably. But that’s a risky proposition, especially for free services – as was demonstrated at the weekend when Google, of all people, managed to wreck all the searches done on their search engine because of one wrong character in one place. Or as the Greek dramatist Agathon put it, “It is probable that the improbable will sometimes happen.”

Twitter is a relatively small company, with a technical track record that isn’t the finest and without an …

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How to backup your photos from Flickr

What backup Flickr photos?

Flickr is a very powerful online photo gallery and is increasingly widely used by activists. Its online nature makes it a great way to share photos between different people locally, to build up an archive of photos for annual reports and the like and, as an added bonus, it automatically generates a range of different sized photos from the one upload. One other benefit: Flickr is also a widely used website, so putting photos up there will often result in them being seen by voters above and beyond their appearance in your leaflets and on your websites.

But nothing in life is perfect, and uploading photos to Flickr should be accompanied by backups, because:

  • Companies do sometimes go bust and shut down services. Yes, it may seem unthinkable that this may happen to Yahoo (owners of Flickr), but the unthinkable has a nasty habit of happening now and again.
  • Flickr’s service is very reliable, but computers and cables do go wrong from time to time. Imagine you find yourself with an urgent print deadline to hit, but Flickr or your internet connection is having a wobble that day.
  • Even if you are good at backing up your computer, it’s easy to end up with a Flickr account where photos have been uploaded by several different people and/or from several different computers and cameras. It’s only if you’ve got one backup of your Flickr photos that you’ll have everything in one convenient place for that panic moment when you need it.


So how do you do a backup?

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Nick Clegg: finding information on the internet

Questions about Nick Clegg’s various internet presences regularly come my way, so here’s a handy quick list of the key resources:

  • www.nickclegg.com – Nick Clegg’s site for his job as leader of the Liberal Democrats, including his latest stories (which you can comment on), full text of speeches and details of his forthcoming public meetings.
  • www.nickclegg.org.uk – Nick Clegg’s site for his job as MP for Sheffield Hallam.
  • Facebook page – where you can sign up as fan of Nick Clegg and follow his

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Photos from conference

Looking for a photograph from Bournemouth conference for your local newsletters, leaflets or website? Look no further then than the party’s Flickr photogallery, which contains many photographs not only from conference but also from Nick Clegg’s regular campaign visits and public meetings around the country.

Many of the photographs are from Alex Folkes, who prospective candidates and local parties can hire for a day to help them build up a strong image bank for their campaigning as well as to provide advice on how to get the best action images (07984 644 138 / [email protected]).

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Hashtags – not just for Twitter!

The Tweme site I have been linking to over the last few days to show how hashtags work also has a photo section which works with the photo sharing website www.flickr.com

So, when I uploaded this photo I took of the hardworking Voice team yesterday afternoon, (including volunteer Gavin Whenman, recently co-opted Voicer Helen Duffett, multiple-award winning Alix Mortimer and in the distance suitably aloof commissioning editor Stephen Tall) I tagged it with #LibDem08 and it showed up on the website along with all the exciting Twitters.

The Voice </a>…</p>
 <div class=Continue reading »

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Recent Comments

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