Tag Archives: socmed

Opinion: social media priorities

The last article I wrote conjoured up a utopian vision of Liberal Democrat e-campaigning. However, it might not be a realistic aim for individuals or groups who lack social media expertise, or time, to develop a fully fledged social media presence. How, then, should Liberal Democrats prioritise the different elements of social media?

The first choice is an absolute no-brainer. If you do nothing else, start a Facebook page. Don’t mistake a Facebook ‘group’ for a Facebook ‘page’. Though they share some features, they are different beasts. A local Party group should have an ‘official’ Facebook page. Individuals may …

Posted in Online politics and Op-eds | Also tagged , , , and | 1 Comment

Recent Comments

  • April Preston
    Re energised by the strength of feeling made by our members. We showed them down with love. Trans rights are human rights and as Liberals it’s our duty to ...
  • James Brough
    It's a disturbing situation, isn't it? I can't help but see the irony in this. A group who claim their concern is to keep certain spaces for themselves are insi...
  • Jennie
    I'll be there...
  • Suzanne Fletcher
    Good summary thanks Caron. Like you I am at home, not the same, but I am grateful to those making the livestream possible, and I must admit that I am seeing mu...
  • Nonconformistradical
    @David Le Grice "And for this those of us who have a tendency to do things later in the day, or who suddenly realised they need to go out and buy something fro...