Tag Archives: harry potter

Diffindo! Has Daniel Radcliffe hexed the Lib Dems?

Daniel Radcliffe has declared himself to be “underwhelmed” by the Lib Dems in the wake of the tuition fees controversy, according to a report in the Daily Mail:

A source inside the party said: ‘Daniel does not in any way support the violence of the rioters, but to say he is underwhelmed by his party is an understatement. Like millions of others he was under the impression that the Liberal Democrats had no plans to increase the cost of studying.

‘While Daniel will never have to worry about his finances again, a tuition fee hike is a serious issue which

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PMQS: Cameron promised faster wheels amidst squeaky bums

What a relief! For a change, Prime Minister’s Questions gave more cause for Tories to be uneasy than it did for LibDems. Don’t get me wrong, LibDems care passionately about frontline policing. Of course they do. But the Tories tend to see it as more of a cojones (or should I invent the adjective “cojonal” here?) measurement issue – it’s closer to the nerve with them. So I think there must have been a lot of uncomfortable shifting around on the benches behind David Cameron today. “Squeaky bum time”, as Sir Alex might put it.

For once there was a good …

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Daniel Radcliffe on Nick Clegg: he still has the magic touch

Harry Potter star, actor Daniel Radcliffe, was one of the Lib Dems’ star supporters in the lead-up to the election — and it seems he’s sticking by Nick Clegg and the party in government, according to the Voice’s favourite online political read, ShowbizSpy.com:

“I’m a very big fan… I don’t agree with everything he says, but of all the party leaders, he was the one I voted for,” Daniel said. “I thought he was a great speaker and very charismatic and very statesmanlike.

“I’m glad that he is still in a prominent position in British politics because I think he

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Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe confirms: “I’ll be voting Lib Dem”

It was last summer that Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe first indicated he would be backing the Lib Dems at the election, coming out as a party supporter in an interview in Attitude magazine.

Now, it seems, Daniel’s endorsement is official according to the Daily Prophet Mail:

In next month’s US edition of Vogue, Radcliffe – who will be able to vote for the first time at the General Election – discusses his affiliation to the party. ‘I’ll be voting Lib Dem, without a shadow of a doubt,’ he said. ‘Nick Clegg rang me and we had a good

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Accio voters! Harry Potter star Dan Radcliffe backs the Lib Dems

The Sun reports an interview with Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who portrays Harry Potter in the film franchise, in which he gives his support to the Lib Dems – and dismisses Labour and the Tories:

The actor – who battles soul-sucking Dementors as the boy wizard and is currently starring in Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince – said he supports Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg because the other parties offer nothing to young people.

He said: “I rather like Nick Clegg. At the next election I will almost certainly vote Lib Dem. If all the people who liked them

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Recent Comments

  • Hywel
    This is a valid strategy. But it does take a toll on the activists who do it and they may not realise that until quite some time later........
  • Margaret
    @David - selecting the candidate isn't the same as starting the campaign. I understand there has been local activity for some time....
  • Alan Jelfs
    Runcorn? We should be gearing up for Hampstead which is winnable....
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