Tag Archives: marie claire

Miriam Gonzalez Durantez: “Nobody calls Nick a working dad”

Miriam Gonzalez Durantez spoke about the double standards around parenting and work at a Marie Claire event this week. People refer to mothers who work as working mums, but the other parent is never referred to as a “working dad”:

We also do a project called Inspiring Primaries where we put in front of the younger children a panel of men and women, and we ask them ‘what job do you think these people do?’ And if it’s a blonde woman the answer is always, ‘a secretary, a party organiser or a hairdresser.’

The sexism has been so drip drip that we don’t even always notice it.’

I find people say of me, ‘she wears the trousers’ and as you can see, it is true, I have very nice trousers. Or if my husband and I share the school run, it’s me who has forced him, dragged him away from his work. But when people, or in my case the media, are using that label on you, they are not saying you are strong, they are saying you should get back in your box. You should make the dinner and have his slippers ready with a gin and tonic.

You can read the whole report on Marie Claire’s blog here. 

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Jo Swinson takes part in Marie Claire election debate

I had fully intended to keep tabs on Jo Swinson and four women from the other parties taking part in Marie Claire magazine’s election debate. However, life had other ideas and I spent the morning at A & E instead. Handily, Marie Claire have put everything together in a Storify thingy which you can read below to catch up on the events.

It seemed remarkably civilised with quite a lot of agreement. There does seem to be a reasonable consensus among women across politics about what needs to change in society.
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Jo Swinson to take part in Marie-Claire election debate at 10am tomorrow

jo_swinsonAt 10am tomorrow, 11 February, our Jo Swinson will be one of five panellists taking part in an hour long Twitter election debate run by Marie Claire magazine. Here’s an extract from their blog about it:

A third of us still have no idea who to vote for in the general election in May, so many of us won’t vote at all. To help us work out who should get our valuable, individual votes, Marie Claire has invited five of the most powerful women in politics to take part in a live Twitter Election Debate. Gloria de PieroJustine GreeningJo SwinsonCaroline Lucas and Suzanne Evans will explain what their parties can do for us. In turn, we want you to fire your toughest questions at them, via a live Twitter Election Debate. If it matters to you, it matters to them.

Their profile of Jo says:

The Minister for Women and Equalities and Employment Relations and Consumer Affairs has been the MP for East Dunbartonshire since 2005. Last year, she garnered publicity for criticising a rule banning women from breastfeeding in the House of Commons. As part of her role, she oversees women and growth, women on boards and LGBT strategy. Jo was instrumental in delivering the upcoming introduction of shared paternity leave.

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