Tag Archives: phil cowley

Politicians are not mere pawns in the hands of journalists

Understandably the Leveson Inquiry has concentrated on the misdeeds of journalists and the behaviour of newspaper owners. However, the appearance of a series of figures this week at Leveson could – indeed should – have highlighted how often the power lies with politicians, not the media. We had three figures appear who all, in their own very different ways, showed that despite all the talk of politicians been cowed by the media, it is far from uncommon for politicians to have far too much power over the media.

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Running for office? What voters think of your income

Welcome to the latest in our occasional series highlighting interesting findings from academic research. Today – how voters prefer people who earn less rather than more.

The findings come from research presenting the details of two fictional candidates to voters and asking them what they thought of each. Details of one of the fictional candidates were then altered to see how that changed the reaction of voters.

Here is what voters were initially told about that person:

John Burns is 48 years old, and was born and brought up in your area, before going to University to study for a degree in mathematics.

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What do the academics say? The voters want local candidates

Welcome to the latest in our occasional series highlighting interesting findings from academic research. Today – the repeated finding that voters like local candidates:

Surveys have consistently found ‘localness’ to be one of the main criteria voters say they want in an election candidate. In each of five surveys between 1983 and 2005, voters ranked ‘to be from the local area’ or ‘to have been brought up in the area he or she represents’ (the precise question wording differed from survey to survey) as either the most important or the second most important characteristic that they were looking for in their

Posted in What do the academics say? | Also tagged and | 12 Comments

Recent Comments

  • Ruth Clark
    Kropotkin or Clegg? Not a tough contest is it Ben? Love this!...
  • Steve Comer
    We cannot simply oppose for oppositions sake, if we do we end just looking like a 'Tory lite' party. We've opposed inheritance tax for a small number of wealth...
  • Phillip Bennion
    The author makes the same mistake as Labour and the IFS in failing to look behind the headline statistics on farms. Half of the holdings are basically lifestyle...
  • Mark Frankel
    I agree. I don't think we should be opposing Labour's measures just for the sake of it. It makes us look shallow and opportunistic and probably doesn't do us mu...
  • Peter Watson
    @Paul Barker "This article says everything I have been thinking over the last Year." I completely agree! I've only recently started revisiting this site, havi...